TOP 5: Holiday Name Tag Ideas

A simple how to list for name tag ideas during the holidays.

name tag ideas wine glass tag plastic engraved name tagUSE AS DRINKING GLASS TAGS

Name tag ideas can be very simple. Simply order a name tag of your choice and write the person’s name on it. Take it one step further and have the name tag punched with a hole to easily affix it to the wine or drinking glass stem.


A great name tag idea for those who like to “go green.” Don’t throw away your tags from year to year! Custom made name tags can be made from plastic and engraved with “a gift from:” and then taped to each gift under your tree. Once the wrapping has been removed, collect the tags and save them for the next year.


Adhesive name badges are a wonderful party item. Use these name badges for multiple games from “Who Am I?” to getting to know you games. Simply remove the backing and attach to your clothing. Once finished, these badges can be discarded.

holiday memory booklets using name badge holders name tag ideas


Every year people take dozens of photos of their holiday events. Make this year even more unique by creating memory booklets using name badge holders. Make sure to print your pictures the size of the holder and put them in an order that will be memorable. Choose from our vast variety of personalized ribbons to tie the pages together.



The sky is the limit on this project! Take any of our blank name badges and draw things or write names or memories in a permanent marker. Attach any ribbon you want to the back of the tag and hang it on your Christmas tree or another place that you want to showcase your homemade talents.

Whatever your use this year, make name tags a part of your life!

And, from all of us here at Coller Industries, we wish you a very merry Christmas!


Happy Holidays from Coller Industries

Donation Spotlight: Bethesda Thrift Shop

Our customers are amazing! And to help all of our customers realize how important they are to us, we’d like to spotlight a donation that we’ve recently made. We were contacted by Scott Glidden of Bethesda Thrift Shop in Minnetonka, Minnesota. Bethesda Thrift Shop is run by Bethesda Lutheran Communities. “They are a Christian organization that provides homes for people with developmental disabilities across the country. They create connections that support people on their journey to live the best life possible.”

bethesda thrift store bethesda lutheran communities

Glidden shared the following mission statement with us. “(We are here) to enhance the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities through services that share the good news of Jesus Christ.”

medium plus mighty badges reusable name badges name tagsColler Industries provided a donation of Medium Plus Mighty Badges™ to Bethesda Thrift. Each Mighty Badge™ comes with a reusable, metal back plate, a printable insert, and a plastic lens that snaps onto the back plate to make the whole system work. This product is a wonderful option for those who need a quick, reusable name badge for volunteer positions.

“We use your name badges to recognize our volunteers for their hours of service. Some of our volunteers have over 19,000 hours, so they are very proud of their badges,” said Glidden. “The volunteers have just loved them in the past, and it is nice to see how much it means to them to give them one. I always let them know that they were donated by Coller Industries.”

Glidden describes Bethesda Thrift as “a place that welcomes volunteers who help support our mission. We pride ourselves with the fact that we have paid staff and volunteers with disabilities working in our store. We have demonstrated that people with disabilities have different skills and abilities and are able to have meaningful jobs in our community. We have helped many of them find stable rewarding employment.”

bethesda thrift store bethesda lutheran communities

Bethesda Lutheran Communities is a national leader in providing homes and support, promoting awareness, and advocating for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. They operate in 14 states with more than 300 program locations and they succeed through the passion of their employees and volunteers who make a difference every day in the lives of those they support.

Hey Day, Name Tags and Becoming Friends

Hey Day celebration has become a tradition at Auburn University. While to most people across America, this day represents a gathering of cultural exploration and historical treasury, Auburn University in Alabama has a different idea of what the celebration means. Hey Day at Auburn University is one of their oldest traditions and dates back to World War II. Originally, this holiday began as a welcome back to students who had fought in the war. Today, however, the day is meant to showcase Auburn University’s friendly atmosphere.

hey day name tags name badges reusable badges

And what Hey Day wouldn’t be complete without the presence of name tags! Layton Dyess, assistant director for the event at Auburn University stated, “Even though (it is) centrally located at the Greenspace, you can’t escape campus without getting a name tag.”

In an excerpt from The Auburn Plainsman, the campus newspaper, Kris Martins writes, “Though the entertainment for each Hey Day stays similar, every year the theme is different, according to Jacob Coley, assistant director for Hey Day and sophomore in biomedical sciences. This year’s theme is ‘Saying Hey Beyond Today.'”

What is Hey Day?

“It’s all kind of about depth and making a friend on Hey Day,” Coley said. “We want people to come into Hey Day and meet somebody new and have some deep conversations and allow that to carry over beyond Oct. 7. That’s the goal this year.”

hey day name tags name badges reusable badges

Jacob Tofani, director of the holiday, hoped the event would encourage new relationships. “We have conversation cards on all the tables,” Tofani said. “Hopefully that will get students talking around to each other. We’d really like people to make new friends and actually have meaningful relationships past Hey Day.”

Adhesive name badges and reusable name badges are great tools for meeting, and remembering, new people. Not only are they easy to use, but they can be used over again or recycled. They are an inexpensive way to provide personal identification to those in a group or other surrounding that are new to each other and need to get to know one another, and possibly become life long friends.

To read the full article, visit The Auburn Plainsman.

Company Branding with Name Tags

A company’s brand is what they are, what they want to be, and what they aim to become as a whole. It can be a promise of quality, trust or service. Branding is what makes a company or organization truly unique. A brand should make any company stand out from its competitors and lets the consumer know what to expect from that company.

company branding corporate branding name tags name badges lanyardsWhat is company branding?

Branding is one of the most important parts of any business, whether it be large or small. Building a strong brand helps a company or organization be financially strong. Product marketing is really where this process all begins.

In order to be successful in marketing a company’s brand, one must have a strong branding or marketing strategy. To determine the brand of a business, one must identify a target market and the product or service distribution means. By doing so, the organization can communicate the brand to this target market. And with the use of personalized ribbons, a company’s brand will truly stand out. Personalized ribbons are truly a great tool in company branding.

A few things to consider:

logo name tags name badge corporate branding company branding

Brand Identity: This is the customer’s knowledge of and ability to recognize the brand.

Brand Meaning: This is the character of the brand beyond the image, and includes product or business features, reliability, value and experience.

Consumer Relationship: This is the attitude of the customer toward the brand.

Remember that a brand is the means to communicate with a chosen market. Each brand needs to be visually stimulating, thereby encouraging product loyalty. Carefully designed branding leads to a secure business or organization. An organization’s brand should posses the above characteristics.

Many of our name tags and other personalized products can have a logo added. Name Tags can be laser engraved or printed with a logo and company name as well as a person’s name. Name Badges come with printable inserts that can easily have a company logo added. Even order custom lanyards with a company or organization logo to promote branding at a corporate event.

An organization’s brand serves as a promise to the consumer. Whether this promise is of services or product, remember that the brand will be used in a marketing strategy and requires copious research. Consumers must understand a brand to increase the effectiveness and value for the company.

Business Ethics and Name Tags

The point of this article is to show how important it is to wear proper personal identification (i.e., name tags and name badges) when building business ethics. Without name tags, people can be left in the dark in situations at a bank or a grocery store.

Business Ethics

And without a name badge, Scott Ginsberg wouldn’t be who he is today. To quote Scott, “Everything I needed to know about business, I learned from that name tag!”

Anecdote 1: (from every day life)

Adhesive name badges in four colors: red, yellow, blue and green with a handwritten name.

Have you ever walked into a store and wanted something specific but there was no one in sight to help you find it? We’ve all experienced this. We’ve all wandered a store looking only to, desperately and at the last minute, find someone who can help. And, typically, this person isn’t wearing any identifiers, especially a name tag or name badge, that would have suggested he/she could help in the first place.

Anecdote 2: (from Scott Ginsberg)

Scott Ginsberg the name tag guy with a my name is name badge and who is about using name tags to define business ethics.

“So there I was, sitting in the audience at a seminar. Surrounding me sat hundreds of us wearing one of those little, handwritten, adhesive name badges. When the event was over, we all filed toward the exit. I approached the door and noticed a small trashcan filled to the brim with used name badges. And that gave me an idea. A crazy idea. Maybe I should keep my name tag on all night! About 10 minutes later I met up with a friend of mine at a local ice cream shop. And that’s when it all started. That’s when the silence was broken. People began to say hello. Random students walked up to me and started conversations. Even complete strangers yelled “Hey Scott!” from across the room!”

Business Ethics Anecdote 3: (from someone required daily to wear a name tag)

laser engraved metal with logo two color name tags name badges

“The only purpose of the name tag is for a customer to be able to refer to the name tag wearer in the context of a compliment or complaint. I wear a name tag every day and find that it isn’t a huge thing for me. However, I will say that name tags are generally considered appropriate in this particular field (banking). I do give credit to the executives here as everybody wears one, not just the peons.”

A name tag is merely a symbol that represents several core values that Scott holds close to his heart. “The truth is; my name tag and my values are one in the same. You see, my name tag represents friendliness, approachability, fun, creativity, uniqueness and casualness. Let’s face it, if you wear a name tag all day, every day, wherever you go, you will stand out, and people will notice.”