The Three A’s of Professionalism

Appearance, accountability and ability all play into your business professionalism.

Name tags are essential for professionalism, from doctors to school teachers and everyone in between. Whether you work in the food service industry or are the CEO of a major corporation, showing professionalism by wearing a name tag will make your job easier. By attaching this simple item to your uniform or daily attire, you will stand out from all of your competitors. And they make corporate branding a breeze by identifying employees at a store even easier.

Here are some pointers on how name tags can help perfect your professionalism.


Maintaining a corporate uniform, whether certain colors or specific attire, is significant for many businesses. Adding a name tag to that uniform helps with your appearance and identifying where in the company you fit in. From a mail room attendant to the president of the company, not everyone will immediately know your name. But, by wearing a name tag as part of your uniform or daily attire, you encourage interaction and promote company branding.

Examples of adhesive name badges with handwritten names to show professionalism.

From color choices to adding text, a name tag is an important piece to add to your wardrobe. And, with so many colors and materials to choose from, finding that perfect name tag is easy. Logos and graphics are also an ideal way to promote your company from within and throughout each day as every employee interacts with clients, customers and the general public.

Remember that appearance is important in many professions. Maintaining professionalism is easy with the proper name tag.


It is always important to hold yourself accountable for your actions when working. Wearing a name tag will help you maintain that accountability and increase your professionalism. Name tags can also increase productivity because wearing identification tends to make someone more responsible and aware of their actions.

Whether in a difficult situation or merely representing the company at an event, name tags are sure to help keep employees accountable and maintain professionalism.


A photo ID badge with a logo, full name and job title.

Professionalism is about focusing on finding a solution. And with a name tag, finding that focus has never been easier. By holding yourself accountable, you will develop the necessary job skills, keep up with time management and find any needed solutions for your company. These abilities are essential for keeping a strong work ethic and showing others you can be professional.

So, stay on task and show professionalism by wearing a name tag. By identifying yourself, you show others you know what you are doing and are proud of it. Let your name tag become part of who you are and help to maintain the image of a job well done.

No Introduction Needed for Name Tags

From titles to names and pictures, name tags need no introduction.

classic name tags provide an introduction to those around you

The primary advantage of wearing a name tag is that it is an automatic introduction. No matter where they are worn, name tags instantly provide your credentials to those around you. They put you on a first name basis with everyone.

And, this advantage is perfectly demonstrated when it comes to business ethics. Name tags help your customers remember who you are. From a sales position to a waitress at the local diner, wearing a name tag gives that immediate recognition to anyone.

Here are other ways that name tags are your first introduction.

Uniforms and Branding

name tags provide not only an introduction but also security for any business

By incorporating a name tag, from a simple Speedy Badge to a custom engraved logo, any uniform will stand out. And, each name tag will help with company branding. Sometimes just a specific color uniform shirt and pants don’t quite accomplish the job. So, top off your company uniform with a name tag branded with your logo and company colors.

Then, each name tag will do the talking rather than keep customers guessing who works at your business. And, when using name tags, employees quickly identify those who work for the company. This leads to our next point: security.

Security and Accountability

There it is again. We’re always mentioning security. Name tags are a simple way to control who comes in and out of your business. Make them mandatory. Both employees and visitors should wear them.

By giving employees name tags, you are providing security for your office or store. And, who doesn’t want a secure business? With a simple branding logo, employees are easily identified by customers and other employees. No one will ever have to guess at who their co-workers are again.

Providing name tags for all employees and visitors proves over and over that accountability is a necessity. Identifying those around your company will help with determining where problems are. They also help with making people take better responsibility for their surroundings.

Finally, remember that name tags are the best way to identify and give a first introduction to your company. From branding to security, name tags sure are helpful.

Using An Emergency Contact Card

Photo identification doesn’t have to stay at work any more. Use our photo ID cards as an emergency contact card for those you love.

A photo ID badge usually comes with an employee’s name, photo, title and any other relevant information printed on it. They are a great way to identify company employees and provide security in the workplace.

using a photo identification name tag as an emergency contact cardAs each badge may fully customized, these name badges can also be used for other things. Such as security ID, safety tags and an emergency contact card. By simply providing any important information you would like to have printed on them, you could save someone’s life!

These emergency contact cards are truly an innovative product. Names, addresses and phone numbers are all great ideas to include on these safety cards. Using someone’s picture is also a great way to make sure that they are identified properly.

Emergency cards are for everyone!

Give these emergency cards to school children to carry in their backpacks. They will help to notify teachers and other administrators of possible allergies and other emergency items. Such as a parent’s name and contact number in case of an emergency.

using a photo identification name tag as an emergency contact cardGreat for elderly or disable loved ones, these cards provide freedom to anyone. People that normally aren’t active in their communities, can go outside without fear of being lost or not in contact with those that need to know where they are.

An emergency contact card can have printing on both sides so that they can show on a lanyard around someone’s neck or through a see-thru pocket on a bag. Keep these cards in a wallet or a purse as they are the same size as a credit card.

Add whatever information you feel is important for others to know is important. These cards are perfect in case of an accident or other emergency where someone may be unresponsive. Not only do they provide necessary information about the person, but they also provide piece of mind to their loved ones.

Where are Custom Lanyards Frequently Used?

Custom lanyards are everywhere, and they have so many uses.

From the simple and traditional of displaying a name badge to the more creative portable shower caddie, lanyards are definitely universal. So, where are custom lanyards most traditionally used?

Businesses and Organizations

custom lanyards for schools and businesses to promote corporate brandingCommonly used for displaying badge holders, name tags and other personal identification, lanyards are utilized in everyday situations around the workplace. Custom lanyards can be printed with a slogan, motto or company logo to promote brand recognition and identify not only the wearer, but the company as well. Often, these lanyards are a requirement for access into a building or meeting and can be used this way as advertising.

Conventions and Conferences

quick turn custom lanyards used commonly in businesses and for other conventions and eventsTrade shows and conventions are a great marketing terrain for customized lanyards and trade show organizers. They can be helpful in using and displaying schedules, passes and other event credentials. Lanyards can be used to secure items that are important and that the user does not want to lose. Handing out lanyards to newly arriving guests is also a great way to show them your appreciation. Custom lanyards with logos for conferences make the event unforgettable.


Students and teachers all use lanyards on a daily basis and for a variety of purposes. Custom lanyards are perfect for showing school spirit; just add a name and logo and match the imprinting and lanyard colors to the school. Teachers often wear lanyards with photo identification badges for security reasons. And, students wear lanyards to keep keys and other items close at hand.

Parties, Receptions and Reunions

Custom lanyards are perfect during these family and friend events for keepsakes and to bring people together. Lanyards come in many color choices and will meet any need. Make them especially memorable by having the event or family name, year or location imprinted in a bright color. These keepsakes are sure to create their own memories.

custom lanyards to meet any need add a logo or slogan for extra branding

12 Points on Name Tag Etiquette

By Syndi Seid – a world leading etiquette trainer, celebrity speaker and founder of San Francisco based Advanced Etiquette.

Multiple styles of name tags with logos and first and last names that help show name tag etiquette.

1) Why name tags?

When preparing name tags, consider their purpose. Always show the names in spoken order: your first name followed by your surname and affiliation. To maintain proper etiquette, think twice about the need to provide any information beyond these basics.

2) Writing a name tag

Use only big, bold block letters in all caps or upper and lower case letters. Avoid script or cursive handwriting, and do not add personalized touches that could be confusing. No matter how well lit a room may be, it is always challenging to decipher cursive handwriting, particularly by those from other countries or ethnic origins.

3) Etiquette and using honorifics

Except for specialized events, do not use honorifics and titles on name tags. These include Mr., Mrs., Ms., Dr., PhD, MD, General Manager or President. Because name tags intend to show a person’s identity quickly, they should only indicate first and last surname and affiliation.

4) “Hello, my name is…”

I confess I do not like this particular style of name badge. Admittedly, they do serve a purpose for highly informal occasions. But they seem very elementary and out of place in a professional setting. It is best to use clean, professional looking sheets, with or without colored borders.

Adhesives Name badges for any event.

5) Squint factor

Nothing is more disappointing than attending a conference or professional meeting only to arrive at check in and discover the name tags are terribly under presented. The names are printed too small, the company affiliation is so small you can not make it out and every other detail, shy of your birth date, is loaded onto the badge.

6) Printing name tags

When generating pre-printed tags on a computer, take care when choosing an appropriate font and font size. I find that 40 point Arial type is a good starting point for first and last names and affiliations for that tags I produce. Sometimes, it takes a little extra time to employ a little trial and error to find the correct font size and balance. However, it will be well worth the effort to achieve the optimum results.

7) Etiquette of using affiliations and logos

Even though it is important to give attention to the sponsoring organization, always remember that the essential information on the name tag is the person’s name, not the organization’s. By this, I mean the bulk of the space should be devoted to presenting the person’s full name. Thus, the scale of the logo or sponsoring affiliation should be much smaller than the attendee’s name. It should never dominate the tag.

Logo names tags: engraved, full color and hot stamped.

8) Printing the first name larger than the last name

While there are no hard and fast rules governing whether to enlarge the person’s first name, I submit it is best to print both the first and last name in the same size font. With so many men and women sharing the same first name, it can be confusing to see a lot of Susans or Stevens walking around. But, again, this underscores the value of regarding one’s full name as one’s personal branding vehicle.

9) Etiquette for using reusable name badge at various events

While arriving with your very own custom designed name tag assures you that you will present your name and affiliation to your absolute liking, it may not be in your best interest. Consider this: event planners usually create name tags specific to a particular occasion to identify, at a glance, those who legitimately belong at the event and those who do not. Unfortunately, wearing a custom name tag you created may inadvertently convey the impression of being a party crasher!

10) Company ID badges

Many companies require staff to wear name badges for instant identification purposes. In this case, wearing such badges on the left shoulder is customary.

11) Placing name tags straight and in plain view

Never allow your name tag to be worn crooked, sideways or even upside down. It sends a negative message to others, usually implying a lack of respect for the occasion or a lack of care or interest in your personal appearance.

Never wear a badge upside down. Though it may sound silly, believe it or not, I know someone who deliberately wears his name badge upside down. He claims it is the best way to meet women. Why? Because he says women will go out of their way to approach him to help him correct what they perceive as his oversight. My friend claims men are far less likely to mention it or bother helping. Needless to say, I do not recommend this practice to anyone.

In my book, this tactic sends the signal that here is a person who cares little about the image he conveys. Who would want to convey the impression that they purposefully missed something as simple as adequately wearing a name badge? What else might be missing? In other words, while it is possible that one person may take this for humor, another person may take it as incompetence. Why risk creating this kind of confusion?

12) Last but not least, etiquette on where to wear a name tag.

A man in a suit putting on a name tag.

Always wear your name tag on your upper right shoulder when networking at professional functions or social events. Here’s why. Place the badge as high up on your right shoulder as possible. This will give other people the best and easiest view of both the tag and your face. As you extend your right hand for a handshake, your eye and arm are already drawn to the right side of the person you are greeting. Because the uppermost part of your chest is the flattest area on your shoulder, this helps your tag to lie flat and be more secure.

These points are especially relevant to women, as most women feel awkward drawing attention to an area of our chests we would prefer not to. Placing it in an easy to read and visible place keeps the focus where it should be.

Perfect your name tag etiquette with any reusable badge or name tag.
Designing your name tags

Adding credentials of any form to name tags is easy when you shop at