Creating a Culture of Respect in the Workplace

Whether your business is a restaurant or retail store or even an office, there needs to be an established culture of respect. So, what does respect mean to your business culture (regardless of the type of business you run)?

What is culture? It is the customs, arts, social institutions and achievements of a particular nation, people or other social groups. And, what is respect? It is a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities or achievements. Now that we have those, let’s put them together.

What is a culture of respect, especially when it comes to your business? A culture of respect is when your business or organization feels admiration for the achievements of someone such as an employee, a volunteer or any member of your team.

When people respect you as a person, they admire you. When they respect you as a friend, they love you. When they respect you as a leader, they follow you.”

John C. Maxwell, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You
Creating a culture of respect for your business well keep customers coming back.

Creating Respect

Without respect, businesses wouldn’t get anywhere. There are many examples in the world where people go to companies and have a terrible experience because they didn’t get the quality of service they wanted. This happens in restaurants because servers are having a bad day and don’t give the attention that a customer should deserve. It can occur as a customer service rep in a retail establishment for the same reason.

Name Tags and a Culture of Respect

So, how does a culture of respect pertain to name tags? How do name tags help you respect someone who does well at their job? Is it because you know their name, or is it because the idea of a uniform has influenced us?

Logo name tags can help your business create a culture of respect for both employees and customers.

No matter your view on name tags, certain informational aspects answer these questions. We’ve all been influenced by the idea of a uniform; it keeps us connected with employees of a business. Part of this uniform can sometimes be a name tag. Name tags help keep both the customer and the employee respectful toward each other. Let’s take one element at a time.

First, the logo or company name.

People associate the company logo and employees with the organization when employees wear logo name tags at conventions and trade shows. Another benefit to having a logo is that employees tend to keep their name tags on when they go on their lunch break or commute to and from work. By doing so, they advertise the company to the public and make the brand more memorable.

Second, the person’s name.

We all want to be recognized as individuals, and wearing a name tag helps with that goal. Whether the tag is for a business venture or a personal one, your name should be the thing that catches someone’s eye. And, by having your name visible to others, especially those who might not know you, you become more approachable, and in turn, more trustworthy.

People who respect each other help each other. They support each other as employees and as people. Not only does this mean that employees will have richer, more positive relationships at work but also when there is a culture of support, employees won’t be afraid to ask for help. This ultimately makes everyone more comfortable and effective in his or her job.

Third, the person’s title.

This title can vary from anything such as cashier to customer service agent and even store manager. Even designer and marketing or sales titles help customers, clientele and other employees understand the type of service and answers they can get from specific people. These answers then become how these individuals can measure the respect they will receive from the business.

Respect in the Workplace

Creating this culture takes many steps, one of which is paying attention to the ladder of succession. Respect comes from the way employers treat employees. Customers can pick up on if a boss does not treat his employees with respect. If a boss doesn’t respect the employee, then that employee will not treat the customers with respect. Then, in the long run, the customers will not respect the business.

One of the biggest problems that businesses face is keeping the culture of respect open to customers. As a business, you should have a level of respect for each customer to respect your business. Other things that will help a company earn the respect of their customers and employees is having proper signage around the office or store. This can include any needed name plates and identification for everyone who works for the business, even if they are volunteers.

Respect is the glue for strong, lasting relationships. It’s an ingredient to grow self-worth and confidence in your employees. Confident employees, in turn, are pro-active and innovative, actively participating in growing the company, and therefore, also your profits. Respect is what empowers people and breed a culture of continuous improvement. And the culture of continuous improvement, promises longevity and success, something that every company aspires to.

So, how does your company define culture of respect?

Remember that this respect goes both ways. If anyone is missing respect, then the rest of them will eventually be missing this respect. Developing and maintaining a culture of respect doesn’t have to be tricky. It is merely recognizing that customers deserve respect and that you deserve respect as a business owner.

No matter what, always remember that to earn respect, you must return it. And don’t forget the name tag! Remember that they give off an air of respect by simply making them part of a uniform for your company.

Donations and Charity Work for Your Business

Whether your efforts are to encourage employees to be active in your community or your business wants to reach out to those in need, donations and charity work are a fantastic way to show you care. In every community, there are people in need. And, in these communities, businesses like yours can make a difference. Here are some reasons why YOU should be that difference.

Creating Community Understanding

Understanding the community concept teaches that you must do things to keep it healthy no matter the setting. These insights are supported and managed by people feeling that they belong somewhere. And this comes with accepting each other and the diversity of those around you. This community understanding makes us responsible for those around us. In turn, this community responsibility not only aids those in need, but it assists everyone influenced by any actions in that community.

Donations and charity work are only a couple of ways that make us more responsible in our community. And, building trust in our community is not only a requirement but also the best way to maintain any community. This is why we, as a company, are always looking to help out in our neighborhood and surrounding areas. By reaching into our community and participating in networking opportunities for organizations, we can see how much our brand resonates with others. We also find how our brand reflects in our community.

Here are a couple of examples of our recent donations!

Cranedale Designs

Cranedale Designs tiny houses community donor name tags board.

We sent two types of plastic, engraved name tags. One was a small name tag with either a first and last name or a company name. The other type were circle custom shapes with the amount donors had given to the project. Each name tag type was needed in four colors.

Carol King, Owner of Cranedale Designs, said, “The donor board name tags represent everyone who designed, supplied building material and helped to build the tiny houses in a settlement in my town. My son is on the board of the tiny house community. He had a fundraiser, and one of the people who work for the tiny house community said they needed a donor board to honor those who took the time to make the little community possible. I am an artist, and I said I would love to do that as a contribution to the community.”

“The inspiration, of course, was that it was a tiny house community,” King explained of the exhibit. I thought it would be fun if each donor had their own little tiny house. I struggled to find a way to put the names on the little houses. There are 208 names, and stamping them into the clay seemed like a huge amount of work. It was already a lot of work to make each little house. I (decided I) needed four distinctive colors to represent the levels of donation. (Coller Industries) had the best looking variations in color.”

Big Dog Ranch Rescue

Big Dog Ranch Rescue working with the community in donations and charity work.

This remarkable pet rescue also received a donation of plastic, engraved name tags. They went all out with upgrades like rounded corners and beveled edges, as well as the deluxe magnets (our most popular fastener)! These tags are worn by adopters, visitors, donors and other staff members so that they are quickly identified, and the tags create a welcoming environment.

Christopher Kraus, Chief Executive Officer of Big Dog Ranch Rescue, said, “Our organization’s mission is to save 5,000 dogs every year, to heal and place them with loving families, and to educate people about the proper care for dogs and the importance of spaying and neutering. We will end dog homelessness through education, sterilization and legislation.”

“Big Dog Ranch Rescue has now rescued more than 37,000 dogs and united countless families with their new forever friends. We also believe in giving back to our community through education and support. From a new Veteran Service Dog Program to visits to nursing homes, from teaching the importance of spay neutering to the next generation to helping seniors care for their pets when they are unable, Big Dog Ranch Rescue is here for our neighbors. Dog rescue is a 24/7 calling. We won’t rest until every dog has a loving family, and we end dog homelessness forever.”

Better Your Brand with Donations and Charity Work

Building a brand is something every business regularly focuses on. From excellent customer service to high-quality products, brand reputation is everything you do to retain customers. This reputation directly impacts your customer’s behavior toward your company. Making sure that you better your brand will help you stay in business. By producing high-quality interactions with clients and customers, you are building your brand reputation.

Donations and charity work are a great way to show your customers how much you care about their needs. Giving something away is about adding value to your community, no matter if it is time or money. The joy we get from giving our products to those in need helps us to better our brand by investing in our community. By building this reputation, we continue to help those around us and better our brand.

The Power of Names and Why They are Important

Why is it so important to use people’s names? According to Dale Carnegie, a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language. The sound of someone using your name typically cuts through all other noise that might be going on around you. Since birth, you have been conditioned to respond to the sound of your name. Think about it this way: how would you feel if your mother referred to you by another person’s name? That is why the power of names is so important!

A person is more interested in their name than in all the other names on earth. So remember a person’s name and call it easily, and you have paid a subtle and very effective compliment. But forget it or misspell it – and you have placed yourself at a sharp disadvantage…one of the simplest, most obvious and most important ways of gaining goodwill is by remembering names and making people feel important – yet how many of us do it?

–How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie

classic name tag

It is important to use a person’s name when interacting with them. It is, after all, their most significant connection to their identity. When you address someone using their name, you acknowledge their importance, which is the easiest way to get their attention. But only some of us are great with names, so what happens if we are with someone and need help remembering their name?

Enter name tags!

Name tags can do more than just provide your name to those you meet, they can potentially change your life. Adapted from Scott Ginsberg, here are just a few ways name tags will improve your life.

“A name tag isn’t just a sticker; it’s a statement. It’s about friendliness, identity, culture and human nature.”

A Name Tag is a Permission Slip
“Wearing a name tag is an invitation to friendliness. It’s a way to open up to others and overcome personal walls. Their primary function is to personalize and humanize each person. Inviting encounters is what they do. And you permit this change to happen every time you put on your name tag.”

A Name Tag is an Engagement Tool
“The hardest part about conversations is getting the ball rolling. That’s why name tags are so great. They are the basic building block of conversation. The sooner you know people’s names, the sooner you feel comfortable around them.”

A Name Tag is a Service
“Sure, you feel dumb when wearing a name tag. It’s uncomfortable. But think about how many people whose lives you just made easier. Like the guy who’s been working down the hall from you for six years but didn’t know how to spell your name until now. (Or) the shy person across the room who didn’t have the courage to walk up and say hello. (How about) the new yoga teacher who had thirty new students, yet only 29 new names to memorize. Whew! How are you practicing mini-sacrifices each day to make other people’s lives (even a LITTLE) easier? What comfort are you willing to forego?”

From our blog, Change Your Life With a Name Tag

Names are essential to new relationships, as a person’s name connects to their identity and individuality. Therefore, using someone’s name and remembering it shows a greater connection to who that person is. 

The Power of Names (and how to help others remember yours)!

Owl graphic and name on a name tag.

Whenever you put on a name tag, you become the face of your business or cause, whatever that is. It can quickly help the people around you match your face with your name. We have all heard that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” So, tell that story simply and quickly with your smile and a name tag.

Build relationships by wearing a name tag, and you help others remember your name. As Mr. Ginsberg has said, your name tag becomes an invitation and permission slip for others to converse with you. They encourage engagement by inviting others to speak with you to share their stories, and you will gain additional opportunities to share yours. So, whether it’s a quality name tag or a simple sticker, keeping your name visible will help start conversations and build relationships!

Start sharing the truth about name tags at your next business meeting,
 conference or networking event!

Get Your Name Tags Now!

Business Success and Taking Small Steps

Whether you are a business or an individual, success comes one small step at a time. Each small step you take leads you toward something bigger. And, the more ambitious you are, the bigger that end prize is. One small step you can take for business success is committing to using name tags and other identification tools.

Here are several products that will work together and help you find business success. But, no matter what, always remember that success comes one small step at a time.

1) Name Tags and Matching Name Plates

Matching name plates and name tags from Coller Industries will help your company find business success.

We start with the most obvious name tag tools: a name tag and a name plate. These two are often interchangeable, but they go together as well. A great example of this is when a salesperson wears a name tag while away from the office. Once they are back in the office, all visitors will recognize their name plate logo and name.

Using these identification tools on business or corporate levels will help you find business success, one step at a time. You can continue to move closer every day to your goals when others know who you are and what your business does. Name tags are the perfect tools to get your name out there.

2) Badge Holders & Badge Ribbons

Badge holders and ribbons from Coller Industries will help your company find business success.

Using these identification tools for conferences or conventions will also help with brand recognition. Your business success depends on people being able to recognize it when they see it. So, give them help with using your logo everywhere you can put it.

Conventions and conferences (even online) can help you get your name out there. Always remember to wear identification when attending these events. Badge holders make wearing identification easy as you can change what you are wearing. Print a new insert for every event and add things that are relatable to your experience. Then add ribbons to each badge to help distinguish yourself from possible competition.

3) Rosette Ribbons & Award Plaques

Rosette Ribbons and Award Plaques from Coller Industries will help your company find business success.

Let your colleagues and customers know how much they are valued. Rewarding progress is part of finding success in business. Not only do you need to create positive habits, but you also need to make time for recognizing a job well done. Tracking employee progress helps you to review how your company is doing as a whole.

From award plaques to rosette ribbons, you can customize gifts and rewards to those deserving of recognition. These identification tools are also great for displaying business awards and other achievements. Celebrate every success you have, even the small ones!

Increasing Visibility adds to Business Success

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” – Chinese Proverb

By creating positive habits, you build into your business success. One of these habits is starting to use name tags. Add a logo to a tag color of your choice to help your brand visibility. By doing this, you are making it so that your employees and customers will always see your logo. This increases your visibility and lets customers (and employees) know that your business matters.

Learn other ways to make your business grow: 3 Ways to Find Business Success with Ribbons

Custom Plaques: The Gift that Keeps on Giving

We all have that one person in our lives that is hard to buy for. They simply already own everything, or you just have no clue what to get for them. Valentine’s day is no exception from this dilemma (and it’s right around the corner, too)! So, let us help you with that perfect gift idea that no one will ever consider buying for themselves. Create custom plaques for all of your loved ones this holiday.

Custom Plaques, Not Just for Awards

While a list of perfect Valentine’s day gifts may already exist, we think that you’re overlooking this one. The great thing about custom plaques is that there is room for more text than a name tag or name plate. Add an entire poem to express your feelings for that certain someone in your life. Or, add a quick tidbit from a favorite book.

Three custom plaques with a message of love to use as gifts for Valentine's day presents.

No matter your wording choice, don’t forget that you can also add icons and simple graphics. From roses to hearts, all plaques can be engraved with your special message for your loved one. So get to adding some extra style to your message. Don’t know what to add? Our experienced team is here to help you get your message out. Let us know what you need, and we’ll send you a digital proof for you to review before we start your order!

Thinking Outside the Box

One of the best things about customizing a unique gift plaque is that these can be given to nearly anyone in your life. From a favorite teacher to your grandpa, everyone is sure to enjoy this thoughtful gift. Just remember that your message should fit the recipient.

Oh, and another wonderful thing about a gift plaque is that you can give it to both men and women! Add your sweetheart’s favorite saying or your mom’s loving words to a suitable graphic. Now you have the perfect gift for everyone in your life.

What you can add to our custom plaques?

To answer this question, you need to make a choice. First, choose a value, standard or premium plaque. Second, look at the available materials. Third, make a size selection. For example, under Premium Plaques, you can choose a Rosewood Plaque with a Floating Acrylic Plate and then select from three different sizes.

When choosing which plaque size is best for you, make sure you know what you want for your message. The longer your message is, the bigger your plaque size will need to be. You will also need to keep in mind that you will need a larger size if you want to use a graphic to go with the text.

PRO TIP: Check out what we have listed on our site for ideas on what will fit on different sized plaques.

Now, when Valentine’s day (or any other holiday) comes around, you will have a gift to wow that special someone in your life with; and one they will cherish forever. So while flowers, chocolates and stuffed animals are generally used as romantic gifts, think outside the box this year by giving custom plaques.

P.S. Check out our article on Finding The Right Custom Plaque!