4 Tips to Engage Customers & Employees

When a business is able to hire and engage with the right people, they will be able to operate better. And, as we are nearing the holiday season, businesses are looking for necessary holiday help. Part of this includes quickly identifying employees so customers and clients will be able to locate who can help them. Simply provide each employee with a name tag to help them communicate with your customers.

Name tags create a personalized experience as they make it quick and easy for customers to quickly see employees. These tags play an important role in developing effective communication between employees and customers for several reasons. From helping with employee visibility to increasing business approachability, name tags are an essential tool for any business to have.

Using custom ribbon rolls, custom plaques and engraved signs in a retail business to inform and engage customers and employees.

Engage Seasonal Workers with Name Tags

For many businesses, seasonal help is necessary to handle holiday demands. Not only are seasonal employees cost effective, but they also help your business remain flexible in adjusting the size of your workforce. During peak holiday times, these temporary employees are often necessary to have around to help keep full time operational coverage. Without these crucial employees, you couldn’t keep your business running the way your customers and clients are used to.

Adding seasonal and temporary employees to your staff has huge benefits for your company. It makes it easier for full time staff to enjoy the holidays while they maintain work/life balance, and you can keep your business steady. You will also have enough people to cover any increase in hours or demand for products and services.

So, have you already started the process of hiring your seasonal employees? If not, now is the time. Of course, you will need to make sure you train them thoroughly before your holiday rush hits! With that being said, as a business owner, you should also be concerned with how well your new help will be able to work with your customers.

Tip #1: As always, name tags help to engage employees and customers.

When employees wear identification, they help to enhance the overall customer experience. This, in turn, will make customers feel more valued. When a customer knows an employee’s name, they can quickly establish a level of trust with them. Name tags humanize interactions and help customers feel more comfortable when shopping or doing business with your company.

Name tags also express a sense of professionalism and being organized. When employees wear name tags, it shows that the company takes customer interactions seriously and is committed to providing a higher level of service. Employee identification also holds them more accountable for their actions and behavior. Name tags encourage staff to provide excellent customer service and uphold your brand’s reputation.

Tip #2: Decorating is easy with custom ribbon rolls.

Custom ribbon rolls with holiday messages and themes are great for helping to decorate any business.

Be creative in your store or shop by using custom ribbons to promote sales and products. Ribbon rolls are eye catching and will help with displays and packaging. Use these ribbons in a variety of ways, such as wrapping around products, decorating packaging or creating displays. Their versatility allows you to showcase your business creatively.

When using custom ribbons for promotions and sales, make sure that you consider how the design works. Always provide messaging that aligns with your branding and the purpose of any sale. Remember to consider the placement of the ribbon rolls and make sure that they are easily noticeable to customers.

Decorating for Success: Business 101

The key to a successful retail business is product presentation. No matter what your company sells, whether it’s furniture or cookies, product packaging and store design play a key role in how well your business performs. Take some time right now to learn about an easy to use tool that will help you decorate for success: RIBBONS.

Tip #3: Custom signs engage your holiday helpers.

Using custom engraved signs helps communicate clearly with employees and customers.

Begin the season with the early fall holidays by keeping your store current with up to date signage. The signs can be customized or simple office signs. From holiday hours to indicating entrances and more, engraved signs are your customer’s best friends.

Offer special promotions or discounts that are tied to the early fall holidays. Then, use signs to communicate these sales so customers can take full advantage. Or show off products that are relevant to any holiday or season. Use your creativity to promote Back to School, Halloween, Thanksgiving and other holidays or special events.

PRO TIP: Extend your signage efforts to social media by customizing signs with a QR code, helping your customer base find your channels and interact with you. This will help create an online buzz and attract a wider audience.

Tip #4: Making award plaques work for you.

Create award plaques to help employees feel like they are making a difference.

Keep your holiday momentum going by awarding your staff and teams as they achieve their goals. You encourage improvement by consistently recognizing your staff and helping them set well defined goals. Custom award plaques help you provide meaningful rewards for a job well done. And by acknowledging your employees’ success, you influence your business’s success.

Custom Plaques & Employee Recognition

From promoting accomplishments to motivating employees, custom plaques are a unique and personal way to connect with coworkers and other colleagues. Motivating employees to stay on track while at work can often be problematic. Use these custom plaques to go beyond highlighting someone’s achievements and help them see just how useful they are to your company.

Engaging with Employees and Customers

By strategically incorporating these tips, you can create a memorable and engaging shopping experience for your customers during the holidays while keeping your business’s atmosphere current and exciting.


How Name Tags Step Up Your Branding

You see them everywhere: restaurants, grocery stores, retail establishments. Employees wearing name tags can be found nearly every place you need to go. And it doesn’t stop there! You can find name tags at conventions, conferences, meetings and more.

Someone putting on a name tag makes them immediately more approachable. A name tag connects your name with your face, so customers feel more comfortable where you work. A business’s best asset is its employees. Customers who interact with employees wearing name tags are more likely to have a positive experience. With these experiences comes customer loyalty.

As Scott Ginsberg, the Name Tag Guy says, “Your name tag is your best friend for several reasons. First of all, a person’s name is the single context of human memory most forgotten. And people are less likely to approach you if they don’t know (or forgot) your name. Secondly, it’s free advertising for you and your company. Third, name tags encourage people to be friendly and more approachable.”

Employees wearing name tags while traveling to and from work.

Logo Name Tags and Branding

Your employees can help with branding and customer retention by wearing their name tags outside work. Think about this: as your employees travel to and from work, if they still have their name tags on, you get free advertising! And, if they leave them on during off-campus lunch breaks, free advertising!

When employees continually wear name tags, your brand becomes more visible. The more people see your logo, the more they will know your business and what you do. So, when purchasing name tags, make sure to add your logo to make the most out of them.

Typically the power within name tags is acknowledged as a professional and friendly way to identify a company or personal identity. Many companies use name tags for branding and employee recognition. And this employee communication helps to improve customer care.

Name tags also provide confidence to those at a conference or meeting. Even if everyone doesn’t know each other, their names are visible, making introductions less intimidating. In addition, people can confidently call each other by their names.

Providing balance and uniformity is what name tags do best. When your business succeeds, your employees feel they are a part of that. So, having them help with your branding (by wearing logo name tags) is an essential part of your marketing.

Wearing name tags can help create an inviting atmosphere, making the employee feel more approachable. In addition, when your customers come into your business and see a face and can immediately associate with a name, it makes them more apt to stay and do business with you.

Custom lanyards designed with a business logo that are worn during a conference with identification.

Custom Lanyards and Networking

Everyone can use lanyards; seriously, you can find them everywhere. Schools, office buildings and even sporting venues use them daily. In addition, lanyards are commonly used during conferences, conventions and other events. Remember, every detail counts for any event, including branded lanyards for every attendee and presenter.

Not only do custom lanyards help in branding on the job, but they also help with networking at events. And, when you design your lanyards to have a business logo and name, it makes your marketing efforts more effective.

Keep your employees branded at all times. Add your logo and company color to a lanyard, and you won’t be able to give them out fast enough. Or, use a slogan or motto on branded lanyards to promote your business. These tools add recognition and identify not only the wearer but also the company. Often, lanyards are a requirement for access to a building or meeting and can be used this way as advertising.

While lanyards are commonly used for displaying badge holders or name tags, they can also be useful for other daily activities. And, they make for great marketing tools as well as providing security for events. Use branded lanyards for keeping track of keys and other personal items.

Lanyards are incredibly versatile due to their custom nature. Add text, logos, graphics and more to promote any brand. The text can be a phrase, a date or the name of an event or business. In addition, wearing a lanyard makes ID or credentials more accessible to show to others or for security proof that you can be in a building or any other typically private place.

The Power of Names (and how to help others remember yours)!

Whenever you put on a name tag, you become the face of your purpose, whatever that is. Your name tag represents this purpose to everyone around you, which benefits you and others. It can quickly help the people around you put your face with your name. We have all heard that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” So, tell that story simply and quickly with your smile and a name tag.

Improving Your Customer Service

Helping your customers is what your business does, right? When you focus your priorities on your customers’ needs, you are actually doing your business a favor. As you meet your customer’s needs, you can better your business and better your customer service. In the long run, focusing on who is doing business with you will help you in your client retention as well as finding new customers.

Whether small or large, every business will always benefit from improved customer service practices. So how can you, as a business owner, help your employees and customers feel more valued? Here are several steps that you can take to improve your customer service.

Improve Your Customer Service by using name tags (relatability), name plates (approachability) and reusable badges (versatility).

Understand Your Customers’ Needs

According to several studies, service is vital in a customer’s brand loyalty choice. However, each customer will have a different view and opinion of excellent customer service. To provide this excellence, you need to determine your customers’ needs. Once you find out these needs, you can better train your employees to meet them.

Listen to (and Implement) Customer Feedback

You should also listen to customer feedback. Sometimes reading customer feedback is not the most exciting thing to do as a business owner. However, whether you are a small business or a large one, customer feedback should be a critical point in running your business.

Even if it’s negative, customer feedback will keep your business running up to par with what your customers expect. Part of being a business owner is listening to your customers. When you listen to your customer feedback, you can improve the customer’s experience. Once you improve this experience, your business can better help meet your customer’s needs.

Take all customer feedback constructively. Remember that most customers only provide negative feedback when something needs to be fixed. Therefore, even when dealing with positive feedback, find a constructive way to implement any changes that you need to your business.

Pay Attention to Your Competitors

Yes, even your competitors will influence your customer’s needs. For example, if consumers have a bad experience with a competitor, they may turn to you to meet their needs. So, you should always pay attention to your competitors to better help your customers.

While it is not prudent to stalk your competition, you will find it necessary to understand how your competitor runs its business. Then, you can identify possible shortcomings in their business and find ways to improve your business by building on what customers need.

Provide Open Communication

One of the best ways to improve your business’s customer service is by communicating openly with clients and customers. Find ways to communicate directly with customers about what services and products you offer and how they meet their needs.

Use every available means to communicate with your customers. Whether it is online and social media or in-store surveys, make sure you keep in contact with your customers. No matter how you communicate with your customers, make sure you use consistency in that communication.

Communicating with your customers is a crucial component of running a business. When you have an open line of communication, customers’ needs will become readily available to you. From the feedback received via surveys or messages sent through emails, customers will be happy to let you know what they need when your business is transparent.

Helping your customers remember your brand will also help you retain them. You help customers remember your brand and business by constantly providing them with your best business practices. This consistency is one of the best ways to accomplish customer retention.

Following Up with Your Customers

There are so many different ways that you can get in touch with your customers. From in-store surveys to social media postings, customer communication is easier than ever. Following up with your customers after completing a service or transaction is an excellent opportunity to understand their needs.

Once you understand these needs, you can follow up with your customer to ensure that they are satisfied with your business dealings. One of the easiest ways to reach out to your customers for a follow-up is an email. Make sure that when you send out emails to customers, you fully represent your brand. Your voice still needs to remain consistent so that your customers will keep coming back.

Promptly Handle Complaints

Part of listening to your customers is also taking their complaints. While taking complaints may not always be an easy part of doing business, it is vital that you allow your customers an opportunity to speak their minds. In addition, when you let customers complain about poor service or poor quality of product, you are also gaining their trust.

It is an important part of this step to follow up after receiving a complaint promptly. Remember, most customers do not complain unless there is an issue. And as a business owner, you want to make sure that there are no issues between you and your clientele.

No matter the kind of feedback you receive, you can always learn from what your customers tell you. So, always encourage customers to express and share their feelings about your company. Stay as transparent as you can during this process, and customers will continue doing business with you.

Meeting Your Customer’s Needs

One of the keys to excellent customer service is understanding and meeting customers’ needs. To make this happen, several steps must be followed. Keep the following in mind while dealing with your clients, and excellent customer service is sure to follow.

Offer Reasonable Solutions

Knowing your customers’ needs is only half the battle. The other half is to offer solutions to any problems that may occur. Find ways to explore how to improve your business continually. One of these ways is to listen to your customers’ needs and then respond with a way to fix any issue.

One key thing to remember is that the solutions need to be simple. Keep an open mind when responding to customer issues, stay as transparent as possible and actively keep your customer in the loop as you offer any solution.

Keep Listening to Your Customers

Just because you found one customer’s need does not mean that you found them all. Constantly keep listening to everything your customers say about how you run your business. Remember, your goal is excellent customer service. Without listening, this goal is unattainable.

And, don’t just listen but actually hear what your customers are saying. Take into consideration everything they say, no matter how unimportant it may seem. While sometimes it is hard to admit that a customer may be right, you may have a broken system (especially if more than one customer complains about the same thing). The only way to stay in business is to keep listening.

Be Honest and Transparent

It does not matter what type of business you run, honesty and transparency are two of the most important things you need to remember. Keeping your customers aware of how you are running your business will keep you in business.

Unhappy customers are not repeat customers. After all, a happy customer is your greatest asset as a business. Remember that a happy customer is also a buying customer. Whether it’s goods or services you offer as a company, your customer is there because of how you make them feel.

Honesty and transparency are just good business practices. Stay honest in your dealings, and your business will increase. Keep transparency as part of your brand, and you will continue to have excellent customer service.

How To Connect with Your Customers

The H2H experience should be available to all customers. What we mean by this is human to human connections. Connecting with customers should be the focus of every business. Over the past while, we have become disconnected.

As humans, we crave experiences that connect us with others. Those connections have turned online throughout the last year and have become a little less human. So, how do we revert to that constant human interaction we naturally crave while still existing in our ever-changing world?

Part of the solution to this issue is becoming more approachable. While you and your company may have already been in a position of trust, people need to feel that they can still trust you and your services. Now the question is, how do you gain that trust and become more approachable.

Tools for Improving Your Customer Service


With an extensive line of tags available, we have everything to meet your needs. Name tags are guaranteed to improve your customers’ experience and improve your customer service.

Communicate and relate better with your employees and customers easier with the help of name tags. While we are slightly biased, name tags are just a good business decision. They provide identification, security and so many other benefits.

There are significant benefits to wearing name tags in any retail establishment (grocery store, boutique, department store, etc.). Some of these benefits include the use of identification in marketing, providing security, identifying employees and other staff, and many other positive benefits.


These versatile reusable name badges help your customers even when you have a high employee turnover. Your customer service will improve when everyone has identification. Reusable badges are perfect for volunteers, seasonal employees and even visitors.

And, with printable inserts, you can quickly provide identification for everyone at your company. Our reusable name badges are simple systems that can either be written on or printed and still look professional.


Be more approachable by using personalized name plates around your business. These name plates can include employee names, directions to find offices and other amenities, identify conference rooms and even provide an uplifting message for your customers.

Donor Retention for Nonprofits

People will stay loyal to your nonprofit when they feel like a valuable member of your team. When they see that you care about them as people, they will feel essential. The key to donor retention is getting those supporters to realize just how vital they are to your organization.

Your donors want to make a positive difference in the world, so let them know that they are making that difference. Show they are essential to you by developing a close relationship with them. Tell them what your team has accomplished because of their generous contributions.

Being open on how you spend this money builds trust in your organization. When mentioning your nonprofit’s accomplishments, tell those contributors what their money went toward (e.g., building construction, medical research, scholarships, etc.). It helps them see exactly how their donations improve people’s lives.

These loyal supporters already have a lot of respect and trust for your nonprofit, and often feel emotionally connected to it. The more dedicated they are, the more financially secure your nonprofit becomes. So, your goal is now to turn each new donor into a lifelong partnership. This process is called donor retention. As you focus on retaining support, you will have the funds necessary to make the world a better place.

Donor Retention for Nonprofits

Building Relationships and Donor Retention

A higher donor retention rate translates directly to higher revenue for a few reasons. First, retaining (them) is substantially less expensive than acquiring new (ones). Second, (these) gifts tend to increase as they develop stronger connections with your (cause). Finally, donor retention leads to a more predictable revenue stream, putting it in a good position to increase steadily.

Donor retention increases when you build strong relationships with those who support your cause. Improve communication and increase engagement using multiple channels. In this article, you will learn how to apply these strategies. But first, you need to understand why these steps are so necessary.

Increasing this retention is more than getting people to donate continually. This is because it also increases revenue as it helps you attract new donors. As current supporters become more passionate about your purpose, they tell their friends about it. Once you build these strong relationships, you will find more people willing to volunteer, start fundraisers and advocate for your cause.

Improve Your Communication

Frequent communication is the key to staying at the forefront of your donors’ minds. Make sure to strike the perfect balance between contacting them frequently and not overloading their inboxes. Every communication you send should include helpful information so you’re not just sending messages solely for the sake of staying in contact.

People give to your nonprofit because something about your cause touches them. Find out what that is by asking them what motivated their donation. Knowing why people contribute to your nonprofit allows you to connect with them on a deeper level.

When you contact these people, make sure your message is personalized. It makes them feel appreciated to be recognized as an individual. Include their name, the amount of money they gave and other details to give your message that personal touch. As you prove how much you value each contribution, you will build a strong relationship with them and gain their loyalty.

Keeping Communication Channels Open

People give to your organization because they are interested in what you do. Keep that interest alive by becoming a valuable source of information for them. From a website and social media to personal messages and letters, communication is key to donor retention.

Communication is also about honesty. Explaining the challenges you face shows donors that you have nothing to hide. If you have successfully built a good relationship with them, they will be willing to help you through difficult times. Let them know what you need, why you need it and how you plan to spend their money.

Website, Social Media & Blogging

One of the best ways to retain your donors is to have a user-friendly website. Make room for a donation link or button on every web page. Many find it useful to include it in the header. Easy access to this form lets people spontaneously give a gift whenever they visit your website.

Make your posts engaging so that others will want to respond and share them. Another way to grab their attention is by posting stories and testimonials. People will feel proud of supporting your organization when they read actual accounts from those you serve. By motivating them to share your content, you keep their interest in your nonprofit alive.

Start and maintain a blog that educates donors on what is happening in the community you serve. Make sure to add new content regularly as consistent posting shows dedication, professionalism and expertise.

Personalized Messaging for Donor Retention

Even with modern technology, you still want to connect on a personal level with those who give to your cause. Start by sending handwritten letters or customized gifts to people who make large donations to your nonprofit. Give them an acrylic desk block or wall plaque that’s custom engraved with an inspirational quote to remind them of the positive impact they have. Go the extra mile and wrap your gifts in ribbons customized with your organization’s name and logo. This extra touch will help donors remember who gave them such a thoughtful gift.

Another great way to reach sponsors is to email them, so take advantage of this communication tool. Send a monthly newsletter that communicates the progress you are making toward your cause. Or tell them about upcoming projects and the problems they can help solve. In each email, share something your nonprofit achieved the previous month. By keeping people informed of what is going well, you build trust in your organization and secure donor loyalty.

Thinking Outside the Box for Donor Retention

When donors see you helping them with their needs, they help you with yours. Send them a quick text message to keep them on track, so they give you the support you need to fulfill your cause. The best thing about text messaging is that you can reach your people wherever they are.

Surveys are also an excellent retention tool because they help you improve people’s experience with your organization. Or keep your audience engaged with an online event such as a webinar or virtual lunch break. Thanks to modern technology, you can host fun online events to help people feel connected to your organization.

Pro Tip: Whenever you are on camera, maintain the same level of professionalism that you would at an in-person event by wearing a name tag.

Donors connect with your nonprofit when you use the communication channels they like most. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same preferences. Some enjoy using social media, while others want a more personal message like a letter. To appeal to all your supporters, reach out to them using multiple communication channels.

Keep your nonprofit in operation through good and bad economic times with a high donor retention rate. If you build a strong relationship with these contributors, improve your communication and use multiple channels, you’ll receive the funds you need to achieve your purpose. Supporters will see why your nonprofit is necessary and trust you to make a positive difference in the world.

Customer Retention for Small Businesses

Customers; without them, your business is nothing. But don’t let that deter you from working on your customer retention. Whether you’re just starting a business or have been running a company for several years, you should understand that it is your customers who keep you in business.

Getting your service or product into the hands of the right customer can (and will) make all the difference. When running your business, you should always keep in mind that your most vital asset is your customer. And getting to know each customer will help your business grow.

Customer Retention for Small Businesses means always making your customers happy

Why is Customer Retention Important?

Retention: When someone becomes a customer, your company turns its focus to satisfy them so they want to return and also refer your company to their family and friends.

We’re not saying that finding new customers isn’t important. What we are saying is this: how do you plan on keeping those new customers around? So, in this regard, customer retention should be your primary focus.

Customer retention is the unsung hero of the successful business. Its flashier sister, customer acquisition, usually steals the spotlight, but retention is what ultimately builds the foundation of a company that is positioned for growth. After all, it’s much easier to fill a bucket than a sieve.

Keeping your customers happy should be your primary goal. And, by doing this, your customers will keep coming back. Not only do they keep coming back, but they will also start recommending your products and services to their family and friends. If you remember to always take care of your customers, they will be your most powerful resource. So, don’t just focus on getting new customers but also focus on retaining the customers you already have. 

Building Customer Relationships

The key to any good relationship is communication. Keeping open lines between yourself, your employees and your customers is crucial to your success. Without this communication, those customer relationships that keep you in business will fall short of where you need them. And remember that without your customers, you will go nowhere.

You must meet the standards that the customer expects from you. This could mean products or services rendered. Make sure that everything your business does is for the customer. Not only will this help with the retention of current customers, but this can also bring in others that your clientele tells about your wonderful company.

Four Ways to Make Customer Retention Work

Because customers are the key to keeping your business running, you need to understand how to find and keep them around. Here are six proven ways to find and retain your customers.

Know Your Business

Sometimes the simplest thing is the answer. And this starts with knowing what your business is and why it is essential to your customers. Examples of this are clothing stores (people need clothes) or restaurants (people need to eat). While these may seem simple and not close to your business, they can start you on the right path.

No matter the product or service you offer, you started your company knowing that it would fill consumer needs. Don’t forget what these needs are. They will also help define who your clientele is. Once you know these things about your company, you can grow your customer base and focus on customer retention.

Now is also the time to reflect on your pricing and quality. Make sure that what you are offering, whether it is product or services, is of good value for the cost. Don’t overcharge or undersell your business. High-quality products mean a higher price, so make sure you value your business as it should be.

Visibility Is Key

From using social media platforms to creating an inviting storefront, you need to make sure that customers can find you. Social media is a great word-of-mouth system to get the ball rolling. Once you have customers purchasing or requesting your services, you can make bigger plans for getting seen.

custom signs for any business from name tag, inc.

PRO TIP: Use custom business signs around your office or store to display hours of operation. You can also customize these signs to help customers understand and know your policies and procedures. Choose colors that are complementary to your business so that everyone will see them.

Stay Happy

You can make your customers happy by focusing on their experience with your company. Don’t put all of your focus on only the product or service they are buying. Connecting with your customers on an emotional and personal level is essential.

Building your customer relationships is what customer retention is all about. Help them to understand you so that you can understand them. If you do, they will be more likely to recommend your products or services to their family and friends.

But don’t forget about your employees. If the workers in your company are happy, your customers will start to reflect that. And happy people spend more money.

It’s All About the Buzz

custom top ribbons for business cards may help with customer retention

Think custom ribbons for fancy business cards that will attract new customers. Use professional desk wedges on office desks that show the retained customer how much you care. Even the little details like matching name tags for staff will show your customers how put-together and organized your business is. These details will help create a little buzz about your dependability that will grow over time.

At the end of the day, what really matters isn’t how much a customer pays you today, but what their entire lifetime value is.

Never use a one-size-fits-all approach in your marketing plans. Remember that customers want to buy from a business that treats them well. To do this, you need to listen to every customer. Treat them as the individual they are; don’t lump your customers into a bundle just because they are all interested in your product or service. By doing this, you guarantee that they will keep doing business with your company.

Adapting to Change in Business

Change is something every business is always dealing with. It is an inevitable process that every company must go through. This means that adapting to change and flexibility in business is an absolute must. These two things are essential for every business owner to grasp and understand how they work and why they are important.

Adaptability can be defined as creating modifications or changes in oneself to adapt or suit the new environment. For a work environment culture, it connotes being opened to new ideas, innovations, or alterations. Someone with this skill can work independently or in groups, or perform tasks not designed only for a single individual.

Workplace flexibility emphasizes the willingness and ability to adapt to change, particularly regarding how and when work gets done. In a flexible workplace, the needs of both employee and employer are met. Workplace flexibility is often used as a tool for retaining and engaging employees. It can also help an organization reach its goals thanks to improved productivity.

In essence, adaptability is about being willing to modify your behavior and actions to meet your business’s future needs. This includes being flexible in your business dealings with your employees and your customers. Find ways to help your business feel more grounded while understanding the impact of each decision you make will affect your business in the long term.

A business is nothing without its customers.

Making sure that your business knows your customer’s needs is key to your survival. Remember that without your customers, you don’t have a business. So, you need to make sure that everything your business does is to find and retain its customers. That includes making adapting to change where and when necessary.

Every transaction your customer has with you is actually an entire journey, and at every step of this journey there is an opportunity to either delight your customer or have your customer suffer a pain point.

Consumers don’t just buy your product or service. They are only with your business because they trust how you make them feel and how you provide solutions to their problems. Yes, this means that customer needs are typically emotional, not logical. The more you know about each of your customers, the better you will be at communicating with them and meeting their needs. Here are some ways you can do this.

Using Signage

Several custom and stock office signs in different colors and all are engraved in plastic.

Any business will significantly benefit from using signage around their office or store. From simple directional signs to more informative signs containing store hours or company policies, engraved signs and plaques are definitely beneficial to have around. Use these identifiers around your business to make everything easier while you are adapting to change and flexibility.

By hanging these signs around your business, you establish ground rules for both employees and customers. These signs also help with communicating openness with your clientele. All conversations start better when people are comfortable. And using signage provides customers and employees the opportunity to be transparent with each other.

Approachability and Adapting to Change with Name Tags

For the majority of retailers, name tags are a business necessity. And, because name tags are permission slips inviting conversation, they encourage engagement. This is due to their primary function being to personalize and humanize each person. Especially for a business whose focus is customer service and face-to-face interaction.

Plastic, engraved logo name tags will help when adapting to change

While it may seem like a small thing, a simple way to avoid your customers feeling awkward is to provide name tags for your employees. These tags can immediately remove any barriers or concerns a customer may have. They allow customers to ask questions and express these concerns to those who care.

In turn, this establishes trust and keeps people coming back to your store. So, no matter your location or business, name tags are here to help. From security to branding, retail establishments have almost become synonymous with name tag use.

Marketing with Ribbons

Personalized ribbon rolls with corporate logos will help when adapting to change

From window displays to goody bags for new customers, personalized ribbons are sure to make your customers trust you. Brand each ribbon roll with your company logo and wrap it around nearly anything (including display pieces). Badge ribbons are a great asset to your name tags as they help further identify and distinguish your employees in the workplace.

All other custom ribbons are also here to help your business succeed. No matter your choice, make sure your color, imprint and logo are consistent with your established brand. “Most businesses understand that branding and marketing go hand-in-hand. However, there are some things to consider. Even large companies use custom ribbon marketing. Promoting your brand with personalized ribbons is almost a must in the world today. From wrapping a purchase at a large department store to sending out event invitations, every business can, and should, benefit from using ribbon branding.”

Building Customer Relationships

The key to any good relationship is communication. Keeping open lines between yourself, your employees and your customers is crucial to your success. Without this communication, those customer relationships that keep you in business will fall short of where you need them. And remember that without your customers, you will go nowhere.

Connecting and engaging with customers is important on different levels. First, you must meet the standards that the customer expects from you. This could mean products or services rendered. Make sure that everything your business does is for the customer. Not only will this help with the retention of current customers, but this can also bring in others that your clientele tells about your wonderful company.

Second, engage the customers on their level. If they expect one thing and you always go above and beyond those expectations, they are sure to keep coming back. Third, never stop trying. Whether this means up-selling to specific customers or reaching out after every purchase made, make sure your customers know how much you appreciate their business.

Don’t Forget Your Employees

Simply put, the happier your employees are, the harder they will work. And, the more they work, the better the customer service they will provide. So, as a business owner, you must make sure that your employees remain happy. This, in turn, will make it so that your employees take pride in their jobs and continue working for you. When customers see that you can retain happy employees, they will continue their patronage to your business.

Studies have proven that employees often perform better at the jobs when they feel appreciated. Give each employee a personalized ‘thank you’ every now and then, and introduce an employee of the month program, if you don’t have one already. If you can help your employees take pride in their jobs, their work performance will also improve.

When your employees are happy, they become more flexible in their jobs. They typically don’t say, “That’s not my job,” or, “Do I have to?” when you ask them to go above and beyond their duties. So, a happy employee is a busy one; and they are easier to work with. Help them be happy by recognizing their input and influence in your company. Take pride in their jobs, and in turn, they will also find pride in working for you.

Adapting to Change and Being Flexible

A flexible work environment has many benefits. It helps workers achieve greater work-life balance, leading to increased employee satisfaction and improved morale. That in turn means employee turnover is reduced, as is the cost to recruit and train new hires. Loyalty, engagement, and retention is improved, which helps a company’s productivity and its bottom line.

Remember that the key to any relationship is open communication. That means while you are working with your flexibility and adapting to change, you keep your lines with your employees and customers open. This way, they will always know your goals and that they can continue to trust in your business.

Brand Identity and Building Your Business

From Nike to Coke and every company in between, what makes them tick is their brand identity. Marty Neumeier, Director of CEO Branding for Liquid Agency, defines brand identity as “the outward expression of a brand, including its trademark, name, communications and visual appearance.” So, what is your company’s brand identity? Simply put, it’s your reputation!

A brand is essential to anyone who wants to stand out from those around them. Remember that your brand identity is defined by your customer’s overall perception of your business (reputation). Make your branding unique enough that your competition doesn’t stand a chance. Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, said, “Your brand is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.”

Brand Identity and Building Your Business

Branding is the most important part of your business, whether it be large or small. Building a strong brand helps your company not only be financially stable but memorable. And, by being memorable, your brand will draw in more customers just by word of mouth. Your brand becomes your promise of service or high-quality goods to your customers. It is derived from who you are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be.

So, now that we established your brand, how do you get the brand identity that you want? And, how do you maintain that identity? Follow these simple rules to get the most out of your branding and keep customers interested in what you are offering.

Consistency is Key

When designing your logo and text, keep it consistent so that your brand stands out from your competition. And, when reusing this logo, the colors should always remain uniform. Choose colors and fonts that represent your company’s goals and make sure to keep them emotionally available to your customers. Don’t choose red (signifying power or confidence) when you need a calming, inviting color (blue) to represent your company. Your logo and standards are what give your brand its uniqueness.

The same goes for any font used in your branding. Some fonts may be too busy for your branding message, while other fonts are too bland for making you stand out. Take Coca-Cola, for example. Their ribbon-like font lets their customer know that their product is intended for fun and whimsy. Maybe your service or product is a bit more serious, so make sure to use a font that accurately represents your brand identity.

Once you establish your brand identity, don’t change it. Let your customers soak in this identity so that they become used to it and learn to embrace it. This identity will keep your business going, so you don’t want to risk inconsistencies. Remain consistent so that your brand will stand the test of time.

Think about this: everyone knows the Nike tagline, “Just Do It.” And their mission statement is just as important, “To bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete in the world.” With these two objectives always at hand, and their logo ready to go in their pocket, Nike literally rules the world in their business endeavors. And, by using the ideas Nike has used, you can figure out how to accomplish success for your brand.

Branding is more than a well-designed logo or a perfectly placed ad; you need to do more.

Your brand identity is more than your logo. While your logo helps your clientele know who you are, your identity goes so much farther than color or font. A brand identity is a visual, emotional and intellectual representation of your business goals and standards. Coca-Cola knew what they were doing when they started marketing its product. From their highly recognizable red to the swoop of their font, they are a company that understands brand identity. Likewise, your logo and identity should convey everything your business stands for. 

Ultimately, your brand identity should be an accurate representation of what your company is about, and what you hope to achieve with it. Business branding is something that takes time but should be considered a crucial first step in launching your company. After your branding materials are in place, you can look back on these resources for years to come to ensure you’re always staying true to your mission.

Every detail matters, no matter how small it is. The branding process takes time and can be delicate. But, it is crucial to take it in stride. After all, you want a business that will thrive in your chosen market. You need to communicate to consumers what your brand wants and needs and, most importantly, how it can benefit them. Don’t get discouraged because developing your brand identity is taking a long time. It can take years of tweaking and adapting. And remember that not even multi-billion dollar companies get it right every time.

Brand Identity and Building Your Business

Know Your Competition’s Brand Identity

Research competitor brands within your industry. You should never imitate exactly what the big brands are doing in your industry. But, you should be aware of what they do well (or where they fail). The goal is to differentiate from the competition. Convince a customer to purchase from you over them!

We’re always thinking about how to make a brand stand out from what’s out there already. Don’t skip this step in the brand building process. Research your main competitors or benchmark brands. For instance, study how well they have gone about building a brand name. For a brand name to be effective, it needs to be easy for consumers to recognize and remember.

Your company’s identity is what makes you instantly known to consumers. This branding is what will help them to associate your business with your product or service. And when it comes to the time that they need what you offer or sell, they will remember your company because of your brand identity. It will help build your customer loyalty as well as your brand awareness. 

So, make your brand identity your most effective marketing tool. But keep in mind that this branding process will never stop. It continues only as long as you make it keep working for your company. Check in on your branding practices continually to ensure that they are working appropriately. And don’t forget to integrate branding into everything you do for your company. 

Start with the Correct Tools

Laser engraved name tags and name plates

Name tags and name badges provide necessary company branding. This branding is vital for all of your marketing needs. It distinguishes you from your competition and helps others to recognize your quality more readily. By using logos on name tags, you create a focus to help drive your business. But, don’t limit yourself to just your name tags. Don’t forget that signage and other identification products are there to help advertise your brand. From custom lanyards to award plaques and everything in between, get it personalized with your logo! And then start spreading the word.

The key is to remember that your logo represents your brand’s commitment to providing the best service or product to your consumers. Communicating your brand can be as easy as wearing a name tag. And using your logo on every name tag you use for your company will help to convey your brand identity. But it also takes effort to remember putting on that name tag. So, the next time you consider not wearing your name tag to work or any other work related event, reevaluate that decision.

After all, your name tag is basically a walking billboard for your company logo. No matter where your customer is, they should be able to see your branding. Your branding needs to be visible and reflected in everything that your consumers can see and hear. If a customer walks into your store or office, your logo and brand identity should be on display for them to see. Integrate your brand into every aspect of your business. Branding should not only be in your physical environment, but it should also reflect in your business and personal interactions.

Tangible Items

  • Business Cards
  • Advertisements
  • Packaging and Product Needs (custom ribbons are a great resource)
  • All Printed Materials

Digital Platforms

  • Social Media
  • Online Videos and Images
  • Websites
  • Google Ads

Business Associations

  • Greetings and Dealings with Clients
  • Customer Thank Yous
  • Welcome Signs
  • Corporate Gifting

Creating a Brand Image that Sets You Apart

Your brand image reflects your business vision, which, in many ways, embodies your mindset as a business owner. Jay Abraham’s Strategy of Preeminence lays the foundation for mastering your mindset to distinguish your company from the rest. This strategy entails creating a culture of respect for your team, customers and partners. To create a culture of preeminence, make allies everywhere you go so that the message is clear: “I’m here to serve you and meet your needs.”

You’re here to add real value to your customers’ lives. To create this type of relationship dynamic, show empathy to everyone you interact with, and strive to understand what they really need. With this understanding, you’re able to create meaningful relationships based on trust and respect, which weaves you into the fabric of your target market.

From networking to marketing strategies, your brand identity should come first. You should always add a personal touch to everything your business does. Make sure that every consumer feels as if they are your only VIP customer. And don’t forget to say thank you for their business. A little gratitude goes a long way, especially in business dealings.

Why is brand identity so important?

Having a brand identity doesn’t just make your product more memorable; it makes your brand more authoritative in the marketplace. A brand that establishes a face, and maintains that face consistently over time, develops credibility among its competitors and trust among its customers. When you create an identity for your brand, you’re giving it something to stand for. That, in turn, gives your company a purpose.

Your brand represents everything your business does. No matter the situation, your logo is out there for the world to see. So, make sure that your presentation of your values, standards and goals is in line with your branding strategies. Because, if it isn’t, your brand identity may become something you don’t want. After all, this identity is how the world will see your business.

The Art of Corporate Gifting

Corporate gifting is a fun and captivating way to show appreciation for colleagues and clients. Gift giving is also a powerful investment tool for your business. Take a moment and think about how important it is to recognize those who keep your business running.

You are creating a personal connection to people you work with by giving gifts. These individuals will feel more valued and appreciated as they receive a thoughtful gift. And, there is no better way to strengthen a business relationship.

As such, corporate gifting has been on the rise for the past few years. This rise happens as more business owners discover the benefits of thanking their customers, employees and other business partners with a simple gift. No matter the present, how you give to those keeping you in business says a lot about you as a professional.

corporate gifting to employees

What is corporate gifting?

Corporate gift giving is an effective way to sustain your customer and employee retention. Giving these gifts will help you build critical relationships with customers and colleagues. And, most importantly, it will allow you to express your gratitude to the company’s employees. It is a simple concept to show appreciation to your professional network and will increase your business opportunities.

According to numerous surveys, most business gifts are given to major clients. After that comes employees, then prospective clients. Reasons for gift giving range from thanking long-standing customers for their business to recognizing a valued employee for working on a weekend. The basic reason is the same: to affirm relationships and enhance the personal connection between the giver and recipient.

Gifts differ from incentives in that they’re offered with no explicit preconditions for performance. They differ from ad specialties in that they don’t contain any blatant imprints or advertising. They differ from recognition in that they’re not part of prescribed programs.

But that doesn’t mean that there isn’t a bottom-line benefit to be derived from corporate gift giving. Just about everyone agrees that when done correctly, gifting is a cost-effective way to build a sense of partnership with valued associates. And, they know that the primary reason for gifting is to acknowledge relationships and improve personal connections.

Why should you participate in corporate gifting?

For some companies, corporate gifting is an essential part of their marketing strategy. It is, by far, one of the most productive ways to grow and sustain your business. And, for many companies, giving is a fundamental detail within their business model.

Most business owners would agree that, when done correctly, corporate gifting provides an opportunity to connect with their clients and strengthen employee ties. And, while there are many reasons for corporate gifting, the underlying goal is to sustain relationships and deepen personal connections between the business owner and their colleagues. Retention, recruiting and business development are three other great reasons to give a gift.

Show how much you value the relationships you have built through your business by handing out corporate gifts. By doing this, your bottom-line becomes a social, rather than a financial benefit. But don’t just give a gift because you think your clients and employees expect it. Give because you want to sustain these relationships.

Because of your corporate gifting, your business transactions increase and so does your customer retention. By giving corporate gifts to your business associates, you continue to develop a positive image in your customer’s mind. So, customers who receive thoughtful corporate gifts from your business tend to buy more products and request services from you.

However, many corporations don’t understand that gifts and incentives contribute to maintaining a business commitment. Corporate gifting helps maintain the relationships you have already worked so hard to establish. It also helps the recipient remember your company because you gave them such an enjoyable and memorable gift.

We are social creatures who express our feelings by giving gifts.

It can be any occasion, be it a birthday, anniversary or to even show love and gratitude, giving gifts is an activity we all do. Let us go back in time to find the origins of gift giving. Giving gifts is one of the oldest human activities; it may have started just after the origin of our species. Even primitive beings gave gifts to one another; often tribe leaders awarded tribe members for any achievement that is gain for the entire tribe.

Earlier gifts used to be a little unusual, but these were the only precious things available at that time. Unusually shaped rocks, a tooth are some examples. These things came naturally from nature and were given without any modification. As we developed tools, holes were drilled into these rocks or a tooth to use them as necklaces or bracelets. Then idols gifted were made from carving wood or stone for as idol worship started among people. Later, people used to offer each other good luck tokens; these token were given as presents. Even today, corporate gifting is part of our everyday culture; it is a means to express our feelings for one another.

So then, to whom should you be sending these gifts?

corporate gifting should include everyone who is important to your business

Your gift recipient list should always include significant clients, business partners, valued suppliers and especially your employees. After all, your employees are your most valuable asset, so you want to show how much you appreciate them. Other notable people to consider sending corporate gifts can include prospective clients or new customers.

Gift these gifts as employee recognition. Some companies give managers a discretionary budget that may be spent on gifts to recognize employees for exceptional behavior. Actions worthy of special recognition include going “above and beyond” to please a customer, putting in long hours to complete a project on time, making a cost-saving or productivity-enhancing suggestion or completing a big sale. Some executives would argue that such actions are expected as part of an employee’s job and should be rewarded at performance-review time. Yet, the evidence suggests that carefully timed and appropriate gifts not only make people feel appreciated for their performance, they also increase the chances people will feel good about going the extra mile in the future.

When giving gifts for a special performance, make sure the gift is appropriate to the employee receiving it, and the presentation is made in a personal and, if possible, public forum. The recipient and his or her colleagues must know why the gift is being presented. Publicity in the company newsletter, or even an announcement in the lunchroom, ensures that people know the types of behaviors the organization wants to promote. Employees typically receive gifts as awards for years of service.

Now, sometimes the hardest question: what do you give as your corporate gift?

Don’t make showing appreciation with corporate gifts for your customers, clients and employees complicated. Company branding is important to remember while you are giving your corporate gifts. And when gift giving, branding is crucial for all corporations. These gifts help to promote a company’s brand and provide continued employee loyalty. And, in the past few years, personalized gifts are replacing other gift types.

No wonder that the customized corporate gift acts as a brand tool and creates brand awareness among the receiver. Gifts given away as a promotional item with the company’s logo and tagline helps create brand recognition. The best way to create awareness is by giving small promotional gifts as it not only attracts more people but helps to retain your brand in the market.

Remember to choose gifts that will assist in cementing business relationships and boost your sales and service requests. The best gift option is something that will be meaningful for your recipients. So, make sure to do your research before selecting what you are giving away. What works for one client may not work for your employees. Frequently, businesses must decide on several gift types to accommodate all of their recipients.

Businesses have a lot of different choices for what to send people as corporate gifts. As a rule of thumb, think about how professional you need the gift to be. And, consider if you would want to receive the gift as well. Remember not to overstep your bounds if you are trying to personalize these gifts. Keep in mind that this is your opportunity to connect with an individual using marketing strategies.

personalized ribbon tied around a chocolate treat for corporate gifting

P.S. Don’t forget to personalize your corporate gifts!

Attach a personalized handwritten note to every gift for an added touch so your colleagues and clients will remember you for years to come. Oh, and hand deliver each one so you can continue to strengthen every business relationship you have.

How To Connect with Your Customers

Every great business person knows that the best way to keep their company around is to connect and engage with their customers. People buy from other people, they request services based on experiences and they look for companies that they can trust.

You learn a lot of information and how to connect with your customer by merely listening to them.

“I think it’s important for brands, especially brands [that] are really consumer-centric, to stay connected. Customers tell you so much from their behavior and how they shop with you.”
Jessica Alba, founder and CEO of The Honest Company

What is Relationship Marketing and How to Use it to Connect With Your Customers - Neil Patel

The first and most popular way to connect with customers is social media.

Using LinkedIn, Twitter and every platform in between, it seems that everyone is on social media. Even businesses have joined in on the social parties. Facebook groups, Snapchat filters and Instagram nametags are all ways to connect online with your customers. Each platform provides methods for both consumers and businesses to interact and grow together. 

Social media outlets are where the masses are, so you, as a business, should be there too. Utilize this tool and take advantage of everything they have to offer. Try sharing fun and silly tidbits about your products. Or send individual messages quickly to your customers. No matter what, use everything provided by your chosen platforms to improve your connection with your customers.

BUT BE CAREFUL. Not all platforms are suitable for every business. It has been said that everyone is on Facebook, but that doesn’t mean your business will thrive by using it. Consider all of the pros and cons of using social media before setting up accounts everywhere. Remember that there isn’t an easy or direct formula to matching your business to the right social platform. That is something that you, as a business owner, will need to figure out.

Social media is a great tool to use when connecting with your customers, but only if you use it properly. Make sure to do your research and that you have time to spend on each chosen platform. Think before you post, and make sure you are listening to your audience. Tools such as social media only work when used properly.

Focus on the customer’s experience with your company.

We see our customers as invited guests to a party, and we are the hosts. It’s our job every day to make every important aspect of the customer experience a little bit better.
Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon

Customers want to buy from a business that treats them well. So, don’t use a one-size-fits-all approach. Make sure you are listening to every customer. Treat them as the individual they are; don’t lump your customers into a bundle just because they are all interested in your product or service. They aren’t looking for a bundled experience; they are looking to be given an individualized experience.

You can make your customers happy by focusing on their experience with your company. Don’t put all of your focus on only the product or service they are buying. Connecting with your customers on an emotional and personal level is important. If you do, they will be more likely to recommend your products or services to their family and friends.

It is crucial to make an effort to connect with each customer.

Get to know your customers on a personal level. And, make your service or product as relevant to them as possible. Everyone likes to feel as if they are important enough to remember. So, make them feel that way with as much personalization as you can. Use a customer’s name during their shopping experience. Remember little details and tidbits they have shared during prior visits. This way, you can make an effort to connect each time they come back.

“It’s not enough to know just the demographics of your customers. Age and location data doesn’t tell you what you really need to know. Instead, you need to know your customers on a personal level so that you know what they want, why they buy, and why they don’t buy. Otherwise, you have only a superficial understanding of your customers.”
By Neil Patel, “7 Brilliant Ways to Connect with Your Customers on a Personal Level”

Show your connection with your customers through appreciation.

We understand that connecting on a personal level with your customers can be difficult, but it is also necessary to stay in business. You need to humanize every experience that your customer has with your business. In other words, be relatable. And be grateful. Showing your customers that you care they are buying from you will keep them coming back. The message is in the details, or something like that.

connect with your customers through handwritten notes

Sending handwritten notes, making a phone call or sending a private email are all great ways to connect with your customer. But, put some thought into your actions before performing them. After a purchase or rendering of service, thank your customer by sending them a thought out, well-worded letter. Don’t rush these notes as they will mean a great deal to every recipient. And, they could mean continued business for you. 

This also works for phone calls and emails. Make sure you think about what you want to say before hitting that send or dial button. Proofread everything you write before you send it. And, most importantly, make sure you personalize it. Don’t get in the habit of sending out so many of these messages or phone calls that they become autonomous. Always remember that you are addressing an individual, and they should be treated as such.

Provide unmatched customer service to keep them coming back.

Let’s try an experiment. Find the customer service number from any of your favorite companies and call them. What happened? Let’s assume you got through to someone, eventually, but you were still treated as a number in a cue. Or worse, you got stuck at a call center with someone reading from a script that didn’t answer your question. How did that make you feel? We know that no one wants that experience. 

Take us for a better example. Here at Coller Industries, when you call or choose our online chat feature, you will always be connected to a live person, and quickly. Every one of our customer service representatives has been trained to treat you as an individual. And, you will feel that way, guaranteed! Your order is processed like it’s the only one, and it’s handled with care and accuracy. We wish you had this kind of experience everywhere else. But, at least you know that with us, you’ll always get what you want and be treated with respect. 

One of the most powerful tools any company has is how they treat their customers during the business process. Providing the best possible customer service experience should be your number one priority. From responding quickly to customer requests to making sure you have a live person on the other end of the phone line, good customer service is how you retain your clientele. 

How will you implement these standards into how you treat your customers?

Here’s some advice, go that extra mile. By making sure that your customer service team responds to your customers personally, you solidify your business connections. Acknowledging questions and concerns from your customers will reestablish the trust you have already built. It will also help strengthen the relationship and connection with your customers and anyone they know. This, in turn, will bring in more clientele and business. So, the bottom line should always be to leave the customer grateful and satisfied.

Don’t underestimate the power of your customers.

Make sure you are asking your customers questions and continually searching for feedback. Finding out after a transaction happens that something went wrong doesn’t help anyone, especially your customer. Connect with them by asking for feedback before, during and after all transactions. But don’t become a burden. There are people who feel that businesses can be too personal and are afraid of what you might do with their information. So, make sure that when you ask questions, you are also being considerate.

Now that you have answers and feedback, make sure you are responding appropriately. If you receive positive reviews, give positive affirmation back. Tell your customers how happy you are that they are happy. Give your customers thanks for being there for your business. If you get a negative review, take it seriously. Respond politely and work with your customers to correct things.

“77% of consumers will read an online review before purchasing. Now consider the flip side. In most cases, negative reviews are the fastest way to derail a new purchase. A Zendesk study showed that 90% of positive reviews impact purchases and 86% of negative ones do also. Another study showed that even a single negative review has the power to destroy 70% of purchases.”
By Neil Patel, “7 Brilliant Ways to Connect with Your Customers on a Personal Level”

No matter the type of review you get, making sure that you respond is vital. Building trust establishes your personal connections with your customers. And, these connections are the only way to stay in business. Customer retention and development rely heavily on these reviews. So, make sure to keep on top of them. And if you can’t, delegate someone who can.

What is your preferred way to connect with customers?

With so many ways to connect with customers, your success depends on the method you choose. Before making any final decisions of where you are more likely to connect with your customer, do your research. Don’t join Facebook just because everyone else has. Determine how your customers want to communicate, and then put those methods into action. Build that trust, and the connections will flow naturally.