4 Tips to Engage Customers & Employees

When a business is able to hire and engage with the right people, they will be able to operate better. And, as we are nearing the holiday season, businesses are looking for necessary holiday help. Part of this includes quickly identifying employees so customers and clients will be able to locate who can help them. Simply provide each employee with a name tag to help them communicate with your customers.

Name tags create a personalized experience as they make it quick and easy for customers to quickly see employees. These tags play an important role in developing effective communication between employees and customers for several reasons. From helping with employee visibility to increasing business approachability, name tags are an essential tool for any business to have.

Using custom ribbon rolls, custom plaques and engraved signs in a retail business to inform and engage customers and employees.

Engage Seasonal Workers with Name Tags

For many businesses, seasonal help is necessary to handle holiday demands. Not only are seasonal employees cost effective, but they also help your business remain flexible in adjusting the size of your workforce. During peak holiday times, these temporary employees are often necessary to have around to help keep full time operational coverage. Without these crucial employees, you couldn’t keep your business running the way your customers and clients are used to.

Adding seasonal and temporary employees to your staff has huge benefits for your company. It makes it easier for full time staff to enjoy the holidays while they maintain work/life balance, and you can keep your business steady. You will also have enough people to cover any increase in hours or demand for products and services.

So, have you already started the process of hiring your seasonal employees? If not, now is the time. Of course, you will need to make sure you train them thoroughly before your holiday rush hits! With that being said, as a business owner, you should also be concerned with how well your new help will be able to work with your customers.

Tip #1: As always, name tags help to engage employees and customers.

When employees wear identification, they help to enhance the overall customer experience. This, in turn, will make customers feel more valued. When a customer knows an employee’s name, they can quickly establish a level of trust with them. Name tags humanize interactions and help customers feel more comfortable when shopping or doing business with your company.

Name tags also express a sense of professionalism and being organized. When employees wear name tags, it shows that the company takes customer interactions seriously and is committed to providing a higher level of service. Employee identification also holds them more accountable for their actions and behavior. Name tags encourage staff to provide excellent customer service and uphold your brand’s reputation.

Tip #2: Decorating is easy with custom ribbon rolls.

Custom ribbon rolls with holiday messages and themes are great for helping to decorate any business.

Be creative in your store or shop by using custom ribbons to promote sales and products. Ribbon rolls are eye catching and will help with displays and packaging. Use these ribbons in a variety of ways, such as wrapping around products, decorating packaging or creating displays. Their versatility allows you to showcase your business creatively.

When using custom ribbons for promotions and sales, make sure that you consider how the design works. Always provide messaging that aligns with your branding and the purpose of any sale. Remember to consider the placement of the ribbon rolls and make sure that they are easily noticeable to customers.

Decorating for Success: Business 101

The key to a successful retail business is product presentation. No matter what your company sells, whether it’s furniture or cookies, product packaging and store design play a key role in how well your business performs. Take some time right now to learn about an easy to use tool that will help you decorate for success: RIBBONS.

Tip #3: Custom signs engage your holiday helpers.

Using custom engraved signs helps communicate clearly with employees and customers.

Begin the season with the early fall holidays by keeping your store current with up to date signage. The signs can be customized or simple office signs. From holiday hours to indicating entrances and more, engraved signs are your customer’s best friends.

Offer special promotions or discounts that are tied to the early fall holidays. Then, use signs to communicate these sales so customers can take full advantage. Or show off products that are relevant to any holiday or season. Use your creativity to promote Back to School, Halloween, Thanksgiving and other holidays or special events.

PRO TIP: Extend your signage efforts to social media by customizing signs with a QR code, helping your customer base find your channels and interact with you. This will help create an online buzz and attract a wider audience.

Tip #4: Making award plaques work for you.

Create award plaques to help employees feel like they are making a difference.

Keep your holiday momentum going by awarding your staff and teams as they achieve their goals. You encourage improvement by consistently recognizing your staff and helping them set well defined goals. Custom award plaques help you provide meaningful rewards for a job well done. And by acknowledging your employees’ success, you influence your business’s success.

Custom Plaques & Employee Recognition

From promoting accomplishments to motivating employees, custom plaques are a unique and personal way to connect with coworkers and other colleagues. Motivating employees to stay on track while at work can often be problematic. Use these custom plaques to go beyond highlighting someone’s achievements and help them see just how useful they are to your company.

Engaging with Employees and Customers

By strategically incorporating these tips, you can create a memorable and engaging shopping experience for your customers during the holidays while keeping your business’s atmosphere current and exciting.


How Name Tags Step Up Your Branding

You see them everywhere: restaurants, grocery stores, retail establishments. Employees wearing name tags can be found nearly every place you need to go. And it doesn’t stop there! You can find name tags at conventions, conferences, meetings and more.

Someone putting on a name tag makes them immediately more approachable. A name tag connects your name with your face, so customers feel more comfortable where you work. A business’s best asset is its employees. Customers who interact with employees wearing name tags are more likely to have a positive experience. With these experiences comes customer loyalty.

As Scott Ginsberg, the Name Tag Guy says, “Your name tag is your best friend for several reasons. First of all, a person’s name is the single context of human memory most forgotten. And people are less likely to approach you if they don’t know (or forgot) your name. Secondly, it’s free advertising for you and your company. Third, name tags encourage people to be friendly and more approachable.”

Employees wearing name tags while traveling to and from work.

Logo Name Tags and Branding

Your employees can help with branding and customer retention by wearing their name tags outside work. Think about this: as your employees travel to and from work, if they still have their name tags on, you get free advertising! And, if they leave them on during off-campus lunch breaks, free advertising!

When employees continually wear name tags, your brand becomes more visible. The more people see your logo, the more they will know your business and what you do. So, when purchasing name tags, make sure to add your logo to make the most out of them.

Typically the power within name tags is acknowledged as a professional and friendly way to identify a company or personal identity. Many companies use name tags for branding and employee recognition. And this employee communication helps to improve customer care.

Name tags also provide confidence to those at a conference or meeting. Even if everyone doesn’t know each other, their names are visible, making introductions less intimidating. In addition, people can confidently call each other by their names.

Providing balance and uniformity is what name tags do best. When your business succeeds, your employees feel they are a part of that. So, having them help with your branding (by wearing logo name tags) is an essential part of your marketing.

Wearing name tags can help create an inviting atmosphere, making the employee feel more approachable. In addition, when your customers come into your business and see a face and can immediately associate with a name, it makes them more apt to stay and do business with you.

Custom lanyards designed with a business logo that are worn during a conference with identification.

Custom Lanyards and Networking

Everyone can use lanyards; seriously, you can find them everywhere. Schools, office buildings and even sporting venues use them daily. In addition, lanyards are commonly used during conferences, conventions and other events. Remember, every detail counts for any event, including branded lanyards for every attendee and presenter.

Not only do custom lanyards help in branding on the job, but they also help with networking at events. And, when you design your lanyards to have a business logo and name, it makes your marketing efforts more effective.

Keep your employees branded at all times. Add your logo and company color to a lanyard, and you won’t be able to give them out fast enough. Or, use a slogan or motto on branded lanyards to promote your business. These tools add recognition and identify not only the wearer but also the company. Often, lanyards are a requirement for access to a building or meeting and can be used this way as advertising.

While lanyards are commonly used for displaying badge holders or name tags, they can also be useful for other daily activities. And, they make for great marketing tools as well as providing security for events. Use branded lanyards for keeping track of keys and other personal items.

Lanyards are incredibly versatile due to their custom nature. Add text, logos, graphics and more to promote any brand. The text can be a phrase, a date or the name of an event or business. In addition, wearing a lanyard makes ID or credentials more accessible to show to others or for security proof that you can be in a building or any other typically private place.

The Power of Names (and how to help others remember yours)!

Whenever you put on a name tag, you become the face of your purpose, whatever that is. Your name tag represents this purpose to everyone around you, which benefits you and others. It can quickly help the people around you put your face with your name. We have all heard that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” So, tell that story simply and quickly with your smile and a name tag.

Planning for Summer Activities

(Products to Help and Tips for the Perfect Event)

Whenever people gather together, whether it is for a wedding, a business conference or a summer festival, the most important part is making sure people participate. Start with employee engagement for your summer activities, and ignite your team’s spirit with refreshing activities such as BBQs, bowling and more.

Corporate summer events are the most successful when the activities are things that employees want to do, and the more fun, the better. Foster goodwill among employees and give people a chance to mingle with people outside their regular work contacts by hosting a summer event. But don’t forget that someone is always needed to oversee the event’s details to ensure that it happens and is a success.

Organizing a seminar, conference, brand promotion, or product launch is not as easy as it may seem. However, paying attention to small details is essential and will impact the participants at your event. They say the devil resides in the details, and it is this devil you need to cater to when planning a summer corporate event. All events need a lot of planning and proper execution to avoid losing out on participants. So, make sure that you start well ahead of time and get everything in order before the big day.

10 Things to Keep In Mind While Planning Your Corporate Event

The most important point to consider when planning an event is to decide on the theme. This means that you need first to conceptualize your idea. You also need to bear in mind the targeted audience for the particular event. Based on these two main aspects, i.e., the audience and the theme, you need to plan and execute the corporate event accordingly.

It pays to know your resources well, and it will only help you delegate the responsibilities well in advance. Remember, it is always best to have designated people to do their respective jobs rather than taking it all on your shoulders. Distribute the work evenly, and keep backups just in case there is a last-minute slag. Most importantly, collaborate on the event with them at all times.

A day before the event, make sure you have everything in place. You could visit the venue a couple of hours before the event and check the sound and light system. Ensure that the arrangements are proper and everything is looked into. Handing out programmed brochures to the guests will make the event seem more organized. Remember, the first impression will leave a lasting impact on your guests.

To do this, you would have to ensure that the entry management is efficient and well-organized. Last but not the least, ensure there are no snags and delays in your event that will put off your guests. Also, remember to place your guests’ safety and satisfaction at the helm of all your efforts. By keeping all these things in mind, you will leave your guests with a smile, translating your event into a huge success.

Personal identification products that can be customized to use at any summer activity your business is planning.

Team Building and Employee Summer Engagement

Teamwork is critical to any business’s success, both large and small. So, when employees can connect over common interests, goals and ambitions, they will work better together. And when you have a team that builds up each other, your business will constantly succeed.

Keeping your team motivated takes effort, especially during summer activities. And as a business owner, you need to help your team members develop their bonds to collaborate and communicate effectively. Enter team building!

Team building activities and games are supposed to be educational and enjoyable. They help the team learn about each other — how each person thinks, works, solves problems and has fun. So whether you want to do some icebreakers or just bond your team, there are inventive ways to do this.

Badge Holders and Lanyards to Spice up Your Summer Activities

Badge holders with printed inserts and colorful lanyards used during a company summer event.

Nearly every organized event requires attendees, volunteers, and others to wear name badges. So, hand out customized badge holders and lanyards to everyone at your summer event. Also, make sure to keep extra badges just in case you need them during the day of the event. With printable inserts, it’s easy to get someone’s identification quickly.

Once everyone is identified clearly at your summer activities, it helps ease introductions. That way, those in attendance can move on to more important things, such as business discussions and networking. Badge holders are one of the easiest (and most affordable) ways to identify large groups of people. Add in lanyards for extra branding and recognition.

So, get your employees involved this summer at your office shindig (and color coordinate your teams for better participation). Having fun this summer at your office party is even better with fun titles! Print them on inserts in badge holders for your summer activities.

Conversations About a Lanyard

As lanyards are an easy way to display name badges and other personal identification, they are used every day by various people. College students, teachers, employees in retail stores, office workers and even government officials wear lanyards to show IDs or security reasons.

When everyone at the company is wearing the same lanyard, it creates a sense of unity. Colleagues work together with camaraderie and respect. Whether your employees or in the office or on a corporate retreat, company lanyards instill the reality that everyone is a part of the same team, including upper management.

Networking is also an essential aspect of trade shows and summer events. Lanyards identify you and your colleagues by carrying name badges and advertising your company name and logo imprinted on the material. Also, lanyards work with nearly any dress code. Professionals can wear lanyards with their suit, dress shirt or blouse without compromising their appearance. Lanyards also allow people to carry their identifications or credentials without damaging their clothes with pins or other fasteners.

Employees should wear a badge holder for summer events to help create unity and elevate the security. Leaders need to be able to identify each participant at the event, and having each employee wear a lanyard and a name badge will help identify those who belong. They also aid in remembering people’s names.

Name Tags and Badge Ribbons for Your Next Summer Event

Black engraved name tag with colorful custom badge ribbons designed for use during summer activities.

From company summer festivities to family reunions, name tags and badge ribbons are perfect for every event. You can tell people more about each other at first glance with a highly personalized ribbon attached to their name tag. Likewise, if you have VIPs or other prominent members at your event, set them apart with a ribbon that reflects their importance or position.

Networking with Name Tags

Here’s the scenario: “You’ve just arrived at your weekly, cookie-cutter networking event. After walking up to the registration table, you search across a sea of identical plastic name badges with tiny print for the one with your name and company printed on it. You’ll affix this name tag to your shirt at the least awkward angle you can contrive and proceed into a crowded room of people all arching their necks to scope out the people worth chatting to while trying not to stare at someone’s chest for too long. (And most likely many have chosen to position the name) tags to be hidden in the folds of jackets or flipped around entirely, making them impossible to read. Good luck with that one.”

We’re here to offer that perfect solution. We offer a product that facilitates networking and promotes making those critical connections. In addition, our name tags and reusable badges are ideal for use with our lanyards and other fasteners.

Stand out from any crowd with bright, fun and festive badge ribbons.

Each ribbon helps make an initial introduction when worn with a name badge. They help break the ice for those attending social meetings and a get-together. And, it is always fun to think outside the box to come up with unique ways to personalize these badge ribbons.

While name badges are the usual place to find a badge ribbon, these identification tools are perfect for imaginative uses. From group identifiers to getting-to-know-you games, these ribbons help add flair to any event or function. However, use your imagination and create fun things to add to these promotional ribbons. They don’t always have to be professional. Instead, add silly things that will make them memorable such as Coffee Fiend or Here For The Food. Also, let attendees pick out something that describes their personality so others at a conference or corporate meeting will feel more at ease.

Ribbon Tools for Employee Engagement

Badge ribbons are the perfect tool to engage your employees, especially during summer events. With many different colors to choose from, and you can add any text and small graphics, these ribbons are incredibly versatile. Use them to inform your employees about your next event. Or, use them for event games, fun summer-themed titles and more.

No matter your event, you can make these ribbons work for you! Whether it’s an employee-only event or a summer get-together that your business is sponsoring, badge ribbons can do most of the work for you. First, include messages of dates, times and locations for each of your events. Then, use them to help employees and customers stay engaged with your business.

You can also use custom top ribbons as awards, reminders and souvenirs at your next company summer event. These ribbons are just as versatile as badge ribbons but a bit fancier. Sometimes the best way to keep your employees continually engaged is a simple reminder of the fun they have with your company. Summer events are the perfect reminder. So, create unique and engaging ribbons to give to your event guests as a reminder of the fun they had celebrating.

Custom Signs Designed for Summer Activities

Custom sign designed to show daily schedules for summer activities.

The best part of custom products is personalizing them for every event or need, including planning office summer activities. Informing your customers upfront about business hours and policies builds customer trust and keeps them coming back. Adding professional signage to your business (and event) will help your employees and customers understand your company goals. After all, helping your customers is your number one priority, so make sure they know by using classy engraved signs.

Finding a way to let your customers know where things are just got easier with stock engraved signs. Welcome everyone to your lobby by providing instructions on how you handle business. Help your customers find their way around your facility with easy-to-read stock office signage. Make your business more welcoming with custom and stock signs featuring messages that help your customers.

Signs also play an important role at your summer events. Add daily schedules, include information about the event or simply display a fun summer message. No matter what, make sure your message is engaging for everyone in attendance at your event.

So, what are the benefits of throwing company sponsored summer activities?

Hosting any company summer activities is one way to keep employee morale boosted, which can often dip up and down quite often. It’s almost seen as a perk, just in the same way that a Christmas party is. Giving your team the chance to interact outside of the office is one way to boost their morale. In addition, it provides the team with an opportunity to get to know each other better, and differently.

Learn even more: 5 Tips for Planning a Conference