Building Trust into Your Business Culture

Building trust between a company and a consumer is essential to business. All companies, regardless if they are organizations or individuals, should continually work on creating a culture of mutual trust. A trusting culture helps make challenging conversations easier, teams more integrated and employees more engaged. It also helps keep consumers loyal to a company’s brand.

“When people respect you as a person, they admire you. When they respect you as a friend, they love you. When they respect you as a leader, they follow you.”
–John C. Maxwell, The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership: Follow Them and People Will Follow You

Building trust in any business starts with networking and knowing the correct tools, like name tags, that will help get the job done.

Trust is crucial for building strong relationships, especially in business. When people trust a company, employees instinctively work harder and listen better. In turn, this makes customers more willing to forgive mistakes or misunderstandings. Companies need to be reliable and follow through on commitments. Trust comes in three forms: confidence in the completeness of a company’s knowledge, skills and abilities.

Building Trust with Knowledge

Photo ID Badge with a logo, picture, name and company brand held by an employee on a lanyard.

Communication is at the core of all relationships, and it should be no different with employees, colleagues and consumers. When building a relationship with customers, business owners can excel when they take pride in what they know. And by sharing this knowledge with their employees, business owners empower so the business will run smoothly.

Communicating your company’s knowledge with consumers builds their trust in your brand. It shows them that you know what you’re doing and that you can do it well. Proving your knowledge of your business (service or product) helps customers to know and trust your process. A February 2019 Gallup survey revealed that “trust remains a vital form of business currency, but customers rely on different signals to convey a company’s trustworthiness — including, in many cases, a wealth of information about its ethical track record and the experiences of its customers and employees.”

Companies who work on building trust on a daily basis in routine interactions with customers, consistently delivering on their promises or going to great lengths to rectify the situation when they cannot. They behave as if their customers’ satisfaction and well being are their most important considerations, leaving customers with a feeling of partnership rather than adversity.

Trust in Skills

Side circle name tag with an engraved logo, full name and title worn by a professional.

Doing a job well is only one important step toward achieving your business goals. Whether you have a product or provide a service, your skills are what will keep you in business. No matter what your business offers, customers learn to trust in your skill set, and that is what keeps them returning. So, make sure that you continue to build on your business skills.

Consumers don’t just buy your product or service. They are only with your business because they trust how you make them feel. They also trust how you provide solutions to their problems. Yes, this means that customer needs are typically emotional, not logical. The more you know about each of your customers, the better you will be at communicating with them and meeting their needs.

Every transaction your customer has with you is actually an entire journey. At every step of this journey, there is an opportunity to either delight your customer or have your customer suffer a pain point.

A refined skill set will drive trust because it demonstrates that your business has the needed competence and expertise. Your skill set will drive trust because it provides tangible evidence of your abilities and knowledge of what you do. When you show that you have your specific skill set, it means you have invested time and effort into developing your knowledge and abilities. This, in turn, will inspire confidence in your customers and lead them to trust your abilities.

Trust in Ability

Building trust with a white metal name plate with gold engraving of a logo, name and title sitting on a desk.

When a business goes out of its way to prove it has the abilities it says it does, it shows its customers that the company can be trusted. Ability helps with building trust because it provides evidence that your business can deliver on its promises. It shows customers that you have the means and skills to achieve their needs no matter what they need. This, in turn, inspires customer confidence and fosters trust in your business.

Inspiring trust and confidence in customers should be one of your primary goals. So, if your business has the ability to perform the service or provide the product you advertise, that means you have the necessary skills, knowledge and resources. This will prove to consumers that they should trust you to make decisions that best suit their needs when they choose your company.

Consistently demonstrating competence and proficiency in your company’s abilities instills confidence in customers and, in turn, builds this needed trust. Truthfulness, responsibility, unification, steadfastness and thankfulness are the foundations required for trust. When your customers see you consistently displaying these qualities, their trust in your abilities will continue to build.

Make sure you always give everything you have to your job, no matter what you do. No matter your position or standing in your company, doing good work will help others see their value in the company. Being a positive influence will help you take pride in your job. Show a hunger for learning what your company offers, and you will be noticed for growth opportunities your company may offer. Engage with your job and find that you not only take pride in a job well done but also that you love what you do.

Dave Wendland, VP Strategic Relations at HRG, says the following:

Truthful: Honesty, integrity and consistent actions undeniably lead to trust.

Consistency in your delivery of materials, the way you treat clients and the manner in which you operate your business day in and day out can truly set you apart in the market.

Responsibility: Establish corporate activities with the main purpose of benefiting external individuals, a community or the environment.

For some organizations, social consciousness or “doing the most good” are simply words that are written on a wall. But it needs to be a way of life. This can be as simple as your entire team accepting responsibility for outcomes for your clients, community and co-workers.

Unifying: Demonstrative focus on a client and brand’s specific needs and ensuring that all members of the team are sincerely working together toward a common goal.

Teamwork is best exemplified by a group of individuals all pulling in the same direction and moving toward a common goal. Although unique individuals are departmentalized from a structure standpoint, when it comes to client needs, you should move as one.

Steadfast: Be reliable, almost predictable, in how you approach business and treat customers.

Nothing gives me more delight in our company’s delivery of a service than clients who comment that they “set their clocks by us.” In other words, keep your promises by doing what you say you’ll do and delivering it when you say you will.

Thankful: Customers are at the heart of why brands survive. Without them, a brand wouldn’t last. Authentic appreciation goes far.

Building Trust and Respect in the Workplace

What is a culture of respect, especially when it comes to your business? A culture of respect is when your business or organization admires the achievements of someone. This can include those such as an employee, a volunteer or any team member. Learn more about Creating a Culture of Respect in the Workplace.

“Trust is like the air we breathe—when it’s present, nobody really notices, but when it’s absent, everyone notices.” –Warren Buffett

So, what are you doing every day to strengthen the culture of respect and trust with your employees and customers?

3 Ways Awards Make You More Remarkable

It doesn’t matter where you’re from, it’s what you do that makes you stand out. Unfortunately, there’s a possibility your company can get lost in the crowd of mediocrity. Awards help you prevent that by standing out and attracting more attention to your brand. Here are four ways awards make you more remarkable.

Awards are a form of recognition that people and their organizations receive for their achievements. They represent an organization’s success and excellent performance, leading to public relations benefits. Awards not only gain publicity but also attract top talent and raise the probability of competitive advantage. They also gather positive attention from stakeholders.

Rosette Ribbon rewards for first, second and third place.

Awards Make You More Remarkable by Recognizing Your Hard Work

Awards are important because they help you feel like you’re doing something right. This is important for your self confidence as a worker. When you’re recognized for doing something well, it helps you feel like your work is not just an obligation but something that matters.

Receiving rewards also allows employers to show appreciation for employees’ hard work and dedication. This can make employees feel valued, which will make them more likely to stay with the company longer than they would otherwise have stayed if they hadn’t been recognized with an award. This show employees that the company is willing to invest in them and their work.

When employers reward their employees, they help promote themselves and their employees to the public. A company that recognizes its employees with awards is likely to be seen as an excellent workplace. It also makes customers more likely to patronize it.

name tag badge ribbon awards make you more remarkable

You Build Reputation

Awards are a great tool to build your reputation, which is essential for any company or organization. They are a way to identify the best in your industry, thus assisting you and your company to stand out from the crowd. In addition, they help improve resumes tenfold when you include awards and certifications earned.

You increase your visibility when others know about your recent accomplishments. Awards help solidify your strengths and knowledge in your field. They give people who already know about your business a reason to trust and support you even more.

When people see that an organization has won awards, they are more likely to believe that the organization is reliable and trustworthy. They are also more likely to buy from them. This is especially true if there are awards for specific products or services. “Best Product” awards are compelling because they show potential customers that your product is better in terms of quality and value.

Name Tag with a matching Name Plate awards make you more remarkable

Increase Your Productivity

Awards are a powerful motivator for employees. They motivate people to do more work and encourage people to work smarter. When you give your employees an award, you’re telling them their hard work has paid off, and that you are noticing their efforts. That feeling of validation can be enough to spur them on to greater heights. It also helps them feel more confident in their abilities and more willing to take risks with new ideas.

Organizations that give out rewards regularly help their employees feel like they’re part of something larger than themselves. This is when people start working together as a team. This is especially true if the award is based on teamwork rather than individual performance. Giving prizes out regularly helps everyone feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves, and that’s when people start working together as a team.

Awards Make You More Remarkable

Awards convey an elite status, which is what organizations want because of the increased professionalism. Organizations that win awards are gaining tremendous amounts of exposure and receiving a lot of goodwill points from their clients, peers and consumers. When people view a company as a leader in their industry, it means that the brands continue to meet the highest standards in both quality and ethics, something that competitors struggle to do.

Whether you’re a business, a non-profit or something in between, awards are a great way to show the world that you’re doing good work. In many ways, earning an award validates the positive impact that you’re making and sets you apart from your competitors—not to mention that they’re also a lot of fun to receive. Awards truly make you more remarkable.

Name Tags are Your Best Friend

Excellent customer service begins with name tags. They are an integral part of your work uniform. Dress codes state what workers should and shouldn’t wear to work. That is why you would typically see brokers wearing suits, teachers wearing business casual and retail workers wearing company colored shirts. When jobs do not require anything specifically, name tags do the trick just as well as regular uniforms. They tell guests and other workers your name, job title, business name and more. Name tags are your best friend because they help you quickly become friends with everyone you serve.

When you wear a name tag, you break the awkwardness of speaking to a customer when they do not know how to address you. With that, communicating with customers is easier than ever. With your name displayed, you give customers and employees permission to learn your name and address you as such. After that, you are open to communication for any reason.

business meeting with people wearing name tags

Relationships Start with Name Tags

Imagine you are at the county fair. You manage a game booth where kids compete for the biggest stuffed animal. When you are on the job, you and your coworkers only wear black, a subtle way to show that you are working. However, you could blend in just like an ordinary fair visitor.

Visitors don’t have to second guess when you wear a name tag. You and your coworkers are attentive workers when you wear them. You are the professional they can approach if they want to play the game at your booth. Wearing a name tag shows that you can assist them with whatever request or concern visitors have. Name tags are your best friend.

three logo name tags

It is comforting for customers whenever you wear a name tag. You appear to be a fun member of your community who enjoys helping other members have a good time. You are ready to show visitors a great time when you have proper identification.

The same is true when you work in retail. While wearing a name tag, you are easy to spot from a crowd. Consumers can call your name, making it more personable. Then, lead your consumers to whatever they are searching for. Finally, when you ring them up, you offer them a discount they were unaware of.

You can help customers save time and money with excellent customer service. You help your guests leave the store quicker and happier, and then they will keep coming back for more. They will remember interactions like these because quality service is memorable. When you take care of your guests, they will remain loyal to your business.

During volunteering events, name tags are essential. Volunteers usually work in casual clothes, making it difficult for people to tell the difference between volunteers and guests. Crowded events make things even more difficult. If no one wore identification, the place would be chaotic. That’s why you typically see volunteers wearing lanyards or badge holders with a tag on them. Volunteers see people come and go throughout the day, so it simplifies things when it is easy to see you are a volunteer.

Create Unforgettable Moments for Guests

When you present excellent customer service, your customers will remember. Excellent customer service can be as simple as asking if they’re finding everything OK and telling them they can come to you for anything. Then, you can take it a step further and walk them to the destinations. Finally, you can talk to them about deals and discounts they can sign up for during that time. 

engraved logo name tag

When you give your customers your full attention, it shows that you care about their satisfaction. Name tags are your best friend because they allow for more unique interactions.

Small talk helps friendships blossom because what everyone wants is to be understood. In addition, this back and forth lets guests know that you are willing to offer more than the assistance they are used to.

Name tags are your best friends because they assist you in starting conversation with people you serve. They are the catalyst you need to get closer to your customers. Wearing identification shows you are open to helping them. Treating people with excellent customer service means you treat guests with respect and trust. Because you treated clients well, you’ve begun two relationships: you and the customer and the client and company. Because you showed excellent customer service, you have started a significant relationship between the company and clients. Name tags are tools you can use to build relationships with your guests.

“A good relationship is when someone accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future.” – Unknown

Find more identification products at Name Tag, Inc. like Classic and Logo Name Tags and Reusable Name Badges.

Community Sharing and Working Together

From defining community to revisiting our younger days when we were told to share, we learn that community sharing can help determine basic business practices. So, what is a community? It is a group of people with a common characteristic or interest living together within a larger society. Community is also described as a feeling of fellowship with others as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests and goals.

As we all have been taught from a young age, sharing is to partake of, use, experience, occupy or enjoy things and experiences with others. When you put the two together, it becomes a strong sense of belonging. And when businesses adopt these practices, their business will grow exponentially!

Community sharing with people wearing lanyards and name tags while serving others.

“The key benefit of the sharing economy that we are the most passionate about is that it empowers people,” says Rachel Botsman, founder and director of Collaborative Consumption and author of the book What’s Mine is Yours: How Collaborative Consumption is Changing the Way We Live. “It empowers people to live more sustainably, to build community in new ways, to make money from their existing assets and most importantly, to rediscover a human connection we have lost somewhere along the way.”

When businesses get together in their communities and take pride in everyone’s work, they will see growth and camaraderie that can only be accomplished together.

As the sharing economy picks up momentum, its reach has become global. In cities and towns around the world, people are creating ways to share everything from baby clothes to boats, hardware to vacation homes. There are also groups emerging that consciously identify with the big picture sharing movement. These groups focus on education, action and community building and advocate for a cultural shift toward widespread sharing.

From neighborhood level cooperatives to global organizations, these groups work to bring sharing into the mainstream. They see sharing as a new paradigm; a means to a more democratic society, and they understand that sharing is not a new fad but an ancient practice that technology is reinvigorating.

Connecting to Others Through Community Sharing

Identification products are more valuable than you might think when you involve them with your community sharing. From neighborhood get togethers to corporation events, name tags and ribbons are the best tools to get your brand out there. In addition, adding your logo to these products at community events can increase your brand reach.

Building these social connections can also help you reach your professional goals. By building relationships with people at work and in your community, you form a strong network of people who trust your abilities and are willing to support your business. And, in turn, you prove to your community that you are eager to help them succeed.

Building community: how sharing ideas can bring us all together

As the world grows more connected, digitally and physically, people are living closer together and interacting in ways they never have before. As a result, the process of building communities – coming together with people across cultures to share goals and ideas – is more important than ever before.

When it comes to joining together to make our neighborhoods, our cities, and our world better, one of the most important things we can do is to find out what we have in common. When we share something with the people around us – no matter how small or insignificant it seems – it can help us make connections we never realized we could.

Public art projects, community development groups, and museums are some of the people and organizations who are using this principle to bring us all closer. Check out these amazing examples of people getting together in completely new ways.

The idea here is that your community doesn’t just buy your product or service. The community stays with your business because they trust how you make them feel. You are providing solutions to their problems. So, the more you know about your community, the more you can help it grow. And by supporting your community, you help your business grow.

Building Customer Relationships

The key to any good relationship is communication. Keeping open lines between yourself, your employees and your customers is crucial to your success. Without this communication, those customer relationships that keep you in business will fall short of where you need them. And remember that without your customers, you will go nowhere.

You must meet the standards that the customer expects from you. This could mean products or services rendered. Make sure that everything your business does is for the customer. Not only will this help with the retention of current customers, but this can also bring in others that your clientele tells about your wonderful company.

Identification and Community Sharing

Name tags, personalized ribbons and other identification products will help your brand reach. However, and more importantly, these products will let you reach out to your community and let them know who you are and that you are there to help. Here are three products with ways they will help in your community.

Three stock rosette ribbons that are for first, second and third place.

Everyone Deserves an Award (Place Rosettes)

Community recognition can happen anywhere: school art shows or neighborhood events, so be prepared with award ribbons. Reward those in attendance as well as winners at any gathering.

A black reusable speedy badge with a printed insert for a community sharing event.

Reusable Speedy Badges and Community Sharing

Come together in your community by sharing products and services with those around you (name tags included). These reusable badges will identify everyone at your next community event.

Gold imprinted custom badge ribbon for a community event award.

Using Badge Ribbons as Show Passes

Create unique awards and passes with custom imprinted badge ribbons attached to contestants and given to guests. These ribbons are the perfect way to make sure that everyone at your event feels invited and welcome.

Read More: Better Your Brand with Community Service

Building a brand is something every business regularly focuses on. From excellent customer service to high quality products, brand reputation is everything you do to retain customers. This reputation directly impacts your customer’s behavior toward your company. Making sure that you better your brand will help you stay in business. You are building your brand reputation by producing high quality interactions with clients and customers.

Donations are a great way to show your customers how much you care about their needs. Giving something away is about adding value to your community, no matter if it is time or money. The joy we get from giving our products to those in need helps us to better our brand by investing in our community. By building this reputation, we continue to help those around us and improve our brand.

Team Building and Employee Summer Engagement

It’s simple: having fun while working keeps up employee engagement. The happier the employee, the better work they will accomplish. And, to make employees even happier, remember to make sure they work well as a team. Team building is a necessary component to your business success!

While teamwork is critical, you also need to find the balance between work and fun as a business professional. Allowing your employees to get to know each other through fun-filled team activities combines their strengths and helps them finish work faster.

“Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie

Teamwork is critical to any business’s success, both large and small. So, when employees can connect over common interests, goals and ambitions, they will work better together. And when you have a team that builds up each other, your business will constantly succeed.

Keeping your team motivated takes effort. As a business owner, you need to help your team members develop their bonds to collaborate and communicate effectively. Enter team building!

Name plates, award plaques and name tags will help employees in their team building efforts and establish your business goals.
Providing new name plates and name tags for employees help them to keep engaged with co-workers. Award plaques also help with encouraging strong teamwork.

What is Team Building?

It is a way of describing different activity types used in a learning or working environment that enhances social relations. These actions in turn define roles within teams and often involve collaborative tasks to help people work better together. When teams are put together, they are expected to understand their roles and responsibilities and to get along.

A team that works well together is more effective, more productive, and more successful — not to mention happier and more fun to work with! But team building at work can be tricky, especially when typical team building activities tend to induce more eye rolls among teammates than high-fives.

Studies have shown that businesses with engaged employees pull in more sales and services compared to competitors how have low employee engagement levels. The bottom line is that it is essential for every business to find a way to keep their employees engaged and to work on their team building.

How to Build a Better Team

Don’t underestimate team building games, but don’t overestimate them either. Make sure that if you are going to be adding games to meetings and other team activities they are something that will keep the attention of your employees.

Team building activities and games are supposed to be not only educational but also enjoyable. They help the team learn about each other — how each person thinks, works, solves problems, and has fun. Whether you want to do some new hire orientation icebreakers or just bond your team closer together, there are inventive ways to do this.

From inside around a board room table to outside while relaxing in the shade, keep your games moving. By using interactive games, you will keep your employees’ interest longer and have a more meaningful situation.

Interactive Team Building Games

Gift Exchange

Exchanging white elephant gifts at your (next) party? Name tags make it easy to draw a person’s name to see who gets to choose a gift first. And unlike with paper strips, you won’t have to rewrite their names again next year.

If you want to have a different activity this year, there are several games you and your coworkers can play with blank name tags. Have each person draw a picture of something that represents them. Then, have everyone guess which picture belongs to whom. Or, write a question on each blank tag and give it to each person to pin on their shirt. Everyone then has to answer the question pinned on the person they’re talking to while they socialize. Be careful which markers you use as some markers may be permanent.

Grab That Badge!

One person should be chosen as the group leader and has everyone form a circle. They will then pass out adhesive name badges and pens to each participant. The badges should still have the backing on them so the sticky side is not exposed. Each person then writes their name on the badge. After everyone is done, the group leader collects all the name badges and mixes them up.

The group leader will then give each person an adhesive name badge and tells everyone to peel off the backing and place the name badge on the back of the person sitting to their right. The members of the group must then wander through the group and search for the name badge with their own name. Once they find it, they will take it from the person wearing it. The game becomes extra entertaining if someone’s name badge ends up on their own back.

Crack a Joke (Seriously)

Research shows that humor not only makes work fun, but it also increases productivity. So, give your employees something to laugh about by customizing badge ribbons with work appropriate humor. Use clever puns, dad jokes and funny pop culture references. If you and your team have inside jokes, stick them on a badge ribbon too. Wearing funny badge ribbons around the office will reduce stress levels and keep your employees smiling. The more your employees are in a good mood, the more productive they will be.

What other activities and ideas can you come up with for your team building activities?

Recognize Achievement and Celebrating Excellence

Not only do people like receiving recognition for their achievements, but they deserve it as well. When you recognize achievement, several things happen. One, they are provided with a vital boost to continue in their excellence. Two, they gain happiness for their job well done. And, three, the recognition spills to other people. It’s almost like a ripple effect that goes beyond just the person receiving the recognition. After all, one good turn deserves another, right?

So, how can you learn to make achievements work for you no matter where you work (education, business and organizations)? Driving excellence in your organization will help to boost employee engagement and clientele satisfaction. Here are some great ways to get the ball rolling in your business.

Recognize Achievement with award plaques, rosette ribbons and other personalized products.

Recognize Achievement

Recognizing employee and colleague achievements has incredible outcomes. When you celebrate their excellence with a tangible award (think award plaque or ribbon), they will respond with increased motivation and know that you appreciate their hard work.

Here are some steps to take to make sure that the people in your life know how much you appreciate them.

1) Reward Good Behavior

When you reward good behavior and recognize achievement, you set the foundation for how someone needs to act. Taking the time to acknowledge good behavior lets the recipient and others around them know what you expect from them. So, giving out rewards for good behavior, such as staying on task, will help shape how your office, classroom or other employees will continue to act.

Employee recognition works wonders on employee retention and loyalty. A simple thank you, or a celebration of an employee’s achievement is all it takes – and in turn this will benefit your company’s retention rates.

PRO TIP: The quality of the reward will affect the quality of the return work, so make sure your awards are high-quality!

2) Making Someone Feel Appreciated

Whether it is an employee, student or other colleagues, feeling appreciated has its own merits. Appreciation goes a long way for most people. When you either tell or show someone how appreciative you are for them being involved in something, their work ethic is guaranteed to improve.

The biggest thing when expressing your appreciation is to make sure that it is genuine. Don’t just say you appreciate someone without having a reason for it. Make sure that when you tell someone how proud you are of them, you tell them why they mean so much to you.

3) Show Pride for a Job Well Done

Recognize achievement as soon as you see it. By doing this, you establish the essential bond between yourself and employees or students. This bond, when created and nourished, will encourage good behaviors and a steady work ethic. It will create a healthy and positive environment where communication is open and free.

Employee recognition doesn’t just come from the managers, but also from the employee’s peers. Peer recognition goes a long way; it helps to establish comradeship between colleagues and is great for increasing teamwork in the workplace.

When someone feels that they have something to be proud of, it shows in how they continue to act. Rewarding someone for a job well done is the perfect way to make sure they have a sense of pride. The recipient can then show off their tangible award (again an award plaque or ribbon is a great example) to friends and family. This pride will then motivate the recipient to continue wanting to do their job well.

4) Helping to Motivate

Being engaged with employees or students will help motivate them to do their best work. Taking time to recognize achievement will foster engagement, reduce stress and increase productivity among employees and students. Motivation comes naturally when everyone is involved in staying productive and on task.

After all, motivation is what drives people to success. Giving recognition for these successes creates a positive atmosphere and helps keep employees and students going. Employee/Student does a great job (and you want this behavior to be repeated) should be followed by recognition. Once the achievement has been recognized, the employee/student will want to repeat the behavior to receive more recognition.

5) Creating a Happy Environment

Students (and employees) that are successful with their work are happy. By recognizing their achievements, you are encouraging them to continue to work hard and be productive. When you reward them, you’ll make them feel appreciated and happy. Making sure that you are recognizing achievement when you’re supposed to is important.

Showing your appreciation, even for the small things, will help your employees and students feel happier while they are working. After all, happy employees and students make for a happy workspace. And, when an incentive is in place, people tend to work harder. Don’t underestimate what happiness can do for your office or classroom!

Products that will help with recognizing achievements, both great and small!

Award Plaques

The elegance of these Crystal Acrylic Plaques will make any office achievement shine. So, for your next “Employee of the Month,” grab one of these incredible awards and make your team feel important and appreciated.

No matter who you want to thank, make it shine with these beautiful plaques. Remember that coach in your life whether it be for little league baseball or the professionals. Everyone enjoys being recognized for their hard work and achievements.

Rosette Ribbons and Prize Ribbons

From equestrian events to fairs and classrooms, Rosette Ribbons are perfect for all awards.

Rosette Ribbons are great for place ribbons. So, when you have a classroom contest or a need to represent several athletes for the quality of their work, choose from a variety of styles and colors. Most ribbons represent up to nine places and also participation awards. All our rosette ribbons are high quality and can be ordered as custom or stock rosette award ribbons.

And, these rosettes are perfect for awards for any shows or event types. From sports, hobbies and animals to horticulture, business achievements and education everyone will want a rosette as their award for a job well done. With the fancy tops and long streamers, the high-end look will indeed show recognition for doing well.

Customize each ribbon to your needs by choosing a logo or graphic to go with the sporting event or school activity. Then, provide a message for each streamer and individual names for each award. No matter your choice, each award recipient is sure to treasure such a unique gift.

Acrylic Desk Blocks and Executive Desk Wedges

Celebrate a promotion, graduation or a new job with an executive desk wedge!

Executive name plates are perfect for showing just how much you appreciate someone. They also make an excellent award for any achievement. With a class of excellence above any other, these beautiful nameplates are sure to show how much you care. Whether you give one as a gift or buy one for yourself, the professional quality reflects the excellence you demand from yourself and your company.

Celebrating Excellence

As a leader, teacher or manager, you have a responsibility to make sure that your employees or students know how much you care. When you celebrate even small achievements, you are helping those you lead see their excellence. This recognition will help them feel appreciated and let them know their contributions are welcome and wanted.

“People may take a job for more money, but they often leave it for more recognition,” said Dr. Bob Nelson, best-selling author and motivational speaker.

Through celebrating excellence, you can build a culture that attracts and retains the best talent. The truth is that no one can be successful alone. You always need help somewhere along the way. Most anyone can learn a skill, but not everyone knows success is all about prioritizing people.

Donor Retention for Nonprofits

People will stay loyal to your nonprofit when they feel like a valuable member of your team. When they see that you care about them as people, they will feel essential. The key to donor retention is getting those supporters to realize just how vital they are to your organization.

Your donors want to make a positive difference in the world, so let them know that they are making that difference. Show they are essential to you by developing a close relationship with them. Tell them what your team has accomplished because of their generous contributions.

Being open on how you spend this money builds trust in your organization. When mentioning your nonprofit’s accomplishments, tell those contributors what their money went toward (e.g., building construction, medical research, scholarships, etc.). It helps them see exactly how their donations improve people’s lives.

These loyal supporters already have a lot of respect and trust for your nonprofit, and often feel emotionally connected to it. The more dedicated they are, the more financially secure your nonprofit becomes. So, your goal is now to turn each new donor into a lifelong partnership. This process is called donor retention. As you focus on retaining support, you will have the funds necessary to make the world a better place.

Donor Retention for Nonprofits

Building Relationships and Donor Retention

A higher donor retention rate translates directly to higher revenue for a few reasons. First, retaining (them) is substantially less expensive than acquiring new (ones). Second, (these) gifts tend to increase as they develop stronger connections with your (cause). Finally, donor retention leads to a more predictable revenue stream, putting it in a good position to increase steadily.

Donor retention increases when you build strong relationships with those who support your cause. Improve communication and increase engagement using multiple channels. In this article, you will learn how to apply these strategies. But first, you need to understand why these steps are so necessary.

Increasing this retention is more than getting people to donate continually. This is because it also increases revenue as it helps you attract new donors. As current supporters become more passionate about your purpose, they tell their friends about it. Once you build these strong relationships, you will find more people willing to volunteer, start fundraisers and advocate for your cause.

Improve Your Communication

Frequent communication is the key to staying at the forefront of your donors’ minds. Make sure to strike the perfect balance between contacting them frequently and not overloading their inboxes. Every communication you send should include helpful information so you’re not just sending messages solely for the sake of staying in contact.

People give to your nonprofit because something about your cause touches them. Find out what that is by asking them what motivated their donation. Knowing why people contribute to your nonprofit allows you to connect with them on a deeper level.

When you contact these people, make sure your message is personalized. It makes them feel appreciated to be recognized as an individual. Include their name, the amount of money they gave and other details to give your message that personal touch. As you prove how much you value each contribution, you will build a strong relationship with them and gain their loyalty.

Keeping Communication Channels Open

People give to your organization because they are interested in what you do. Keep that interest alive by becoming a valuable source of information for them. From a website and social media to personal messages and letters, communication is key to donor retention.

Communication is also about honesty. Explaining the challenges you face shows donors that you have nothing to hide. If you have successfully built a good relationship with them, they will be willing to help you through difficult times. Let them know what you need, why you need it and how you plan to spend their money.

Website, Social Media & Blogging

One of the best ways to retain your donors is to have a user-friendly website. Make room for a donation link or button on every web page. Many find it useful to include it in the header. Easy access to this form lets people spontaneously give a gift whenever they visit your website.

Make your posts engaging so that others will want to respond and share them. Another way to grab their attention is by posting stories and testimonials. People will feel proud of supporting your organization when they read actual accounts from those you serve. By motivating them to share your content, you keep their interest in your nonprofit alive.

Start and maintain a blog that educates donors on what is happening in the community you serve. Make sure to add new content regularly as consistent posting shows dedication, professionalism and expertise.

Personalized Messaging for Donor Retention

Even with modern technology, you still want to connect on a personal level with those who give to your cause. Start by sending handwritten letters or customized gifts to people who make large donations to your nonprofit. Give them an acrylic desk block or wall plaque that’s custom engraved with an inspirational quote to remind them of the positive impact they have. Go the extra mile and wrap your gifts in ribbons customized with your organization’s name and logo. This extra touch will help donors remember who gave them such a thoughtful gift.

Another great way to reach sponsors is to email them, so take advantage of this communication tool. Send a monthly newsletter that communicates the progress you are making toward your cause. Or tell them about upcoming projects and the problems they can help solve. In each email, share something your nonprofit achieved the previous month. By keeping people informed of what is going well, you build trust in your organization and secure donor loyalty.

Thinking Outside the Box for Donor Retention

When donors see you helping them with their needs, they help you with yours. Send them a quick text message to keep them on track, so they give you the support you need to fulfill your cause. The best thing about text messaging is that you can reach your people wherever they are.

Surveys are also an excellent retention tool because they help you improve people’s experience with your organization. Or keep your audience engaged with an online event such as a webinar or virtual lunch break. Thanks to modern technology, you can host fun online events to help people feel connected to your organization.

Pro Tip: Whenever you are on camera, maintain the same level of professionalism that you would at an in-person event by wearing a name tag.

Donors connect with your nonprofit when you use the communication channels they like most. Unfortunately, not everyone has the same preferences. Some enjoy using social media, while others want a more personal message like a letter. To appeal to all your supporters, reach out to them using multiple communication channels.

Keep your nonprofit in operation through good and bad economic times with a high donor retention rate. If you build a strong relationship with these contributors, improve your communication and use multiple channels, you’ll receive the funds you need to achieve your purpose. Supporters will see why your nonprofit is necessary and trust you to make a positive difference in the world.

Teacher Wellness and Avoiding Burnout

Teachers are the most vital part of any educational system. So, there is no doubt that teachers are of great importance to student success. Without them, students can’t learn, and every system would fall apart. So making sure that teacher wellness is maintained should be central to every school’s operation.

A recent study showed that 77% of teachers said that “poor teacher mental health is having a detrimental impact on pupils’ progress. An overwhelming number of respondents, 94%, said that their energy levels in the classroom drop during periods of poor mental health, and 90% said that their teaching is less creative during these times. Many of the mental health issues were caused by excessive workload and constant work scrutiny.”

“The survey also revealed that a significant number of teachers, 81%, said poor mental health has a negative impact on the quality of their relationships with learners. The same percentage said it affected their behavior management skills, with teachers citing ‘lower levels of tolerance,’ ‘focusing on the negative’ and being ‘quick to anger.’”

Teacher Wellness and Avoiding Burnout

So, we can see that teachers find it hard to communicate and educate students effectively when they feel drained. As with any job, mental wellness is important. Without a little focus on how a teacher is feeling, they can often face burnout or need to miss too many teaching days. Because of this stress, teachers are looking for ways to keep themselves going and continue helping their students.

So, why is teaching stressful?

From behavior problems to mandatory testing procedures, teachers don’t have a lot of time to influence students appropriately, let alone focus on their wellness. As such, teachers often face overlooked mental health issues and end up finding it hard to continue in their chosen career. Research has discovered that over a third of education professionals are expected to leave their job by the end of the year.

There is no question that teachers are crucial for student success. Most teachers and educators know the rewards that come from seeing classroom learning and student achievements. However, teaching is proven to be one of the most stressful and demanding occupations. Unwatched teacher wellness can turn into teacher strikes, shortages and high turnover rates. Research shows that up to 46% of teachers report high stress affects their daily life. This stress contributes to lower teaching performance and poor health.

One of the main reasons for teachers leaving the profession is the workload they are required to carry. Burnout often happens when a teacher doesn’t get a break from the complexity of their job. From exhaustion to feeling inadequate, this burnout is happening far too often. Teacher wellness needs to start becoming a priority for many educational systems. 

So, what can teachers and administrators do to make sure good mental health becomes a priority?

Most companies will agree that a happy and healthy employee is one who can do their job and do it well. So, why not take a day to yourself every once in a while. It’s okay to take a mental wellness day. It will make it so that when you are at work, you are putting your best foot forward. And, that isn’t just for business, teachers need this advice too.

And, if larger corporations put in the effort to make sure their employees are finding balance, why not do this for teachers too? From adding zero gravity chairs to a break room to scheduling alone time during a busy school day, teachers need to be aware of their mental health.

There are many remedies for teacher burnout. From taking a mental health day to seeking out therapy, every teacher should find a way to take the necessary daily breaks. After all, teacher wellness encourages school growth and student success. As this English teacher points out, she has four go-to tips to help her unwind and find a way to power through tough days.

A Few Tips from Captain Awesome

1. Get out when you can.

If your school lets you leave during your planning period, do it. Grade papers at a coffee shop. Take a walk. If those aren’t options, just go to the library to do your planning. Anywhere away from your classroom will work. Because if you’re in your classroom, you know what will happen? The teacher across the hall will come in, sit on your newly-Lysoled tables, and start in with, “I don’t know why I even bother with Joselin …” And by the time she’s done, you won’t know either. But you’ll be in a bad mood third period because you spent all of your planning time listening to her instead of making your copies.

2. Do nice stuff for students.

Four kids in my first period had birthdays last week. One of them is a girl who’s really struggling. Under the auspices of celebrating “class birthdays,” we brought in breakfast, organized gifts, and threw a lunchtime birthday dance party. And that was enough to keep me going for the rest of the week.

3. Localize your own whining.

This one is tricky, but it’s essential for the final tip, which is the most effective one. Pick one person to whom you will complain about work. That is the only person you can go to when you’re feeling stressed about the negative school environment.

4. Be a ray of freakin’ sunshine.

This is my favorite. Refuse to participate in negative talk, especially about kids. When your colleague comes in, flops into a seat, sighs heavily and groans, don’t commiserate. Make your response as over the top as you can.

daily affirmations to promote teacher wellness


Have daily affirmations that you repeat to yourself as needed, but at least once a day.

These are especially helpful when students are difficult or you’re having a rough day.

We have all seen the studies that give findings that teaching is one of the most stressful occupations. However, these studies also find that helping teachers with classroom organization and individual needs will minimize the effect this stress causes. By supporting this type of communication, teachers find that their input can become invaluable. 

And, by being able to give input and have an effect on what is taught in their school, teacher wellness becomes better. There will be fewer teacher sick days, and students will feel that their teachers can care about their success.

However, it is important to remember that not all teachers experience stress equally or for the same reasons. Nor will they respond the same to solutions proposed by their administrators. So make sure there are multiple game plans to help teacher wellness on individual levels. Whether it’s donuts in the break room for the weekly boost of sugar or a simple sit down one-on-one with a colleague, every teacher should feel that their wellness begins with the administration.

Teacher Wellness Solutions

Finding workshops and other programs for teachers is a great way to help reduce the stress put on teachers. Giving them an outlet to learn how to cope with day to day struggles will help every teacher’s well being. And by providing these opportunities, teachers are able to address their stress before it becomes overwhelming. 

Cognitive behavioral therapy can help teachers in a one-on-one setting. This therapy educates individuals to observe their mood changes and how they affect daily interactions. By avoiding triggers, teachers can focus on student achievements and development. 

Another solution for supporting teacher wellness is meditation. Give the teachers in your school a method to cope by providing a space for them to de-stress. Use those zero gravity chairs or relaxing music in a safe place so that teachers can unwind for negativity or other triggers they may experience throughout the school day.

Making Teacher Wellness a Priority at the Three Village School District

Rich Glasheen, a math teacher at Ward Melville High School on Long Island, New York, usually spends around 10 to 15 minutes, sitting in the zero-gravity chair, maybe drinking a cup of tea and reading while listening to calming music.

Special education teacher Katherine Jimenez is also partial to the zero-gravity chair, but she relaxes to the ambient sounds and images emanating from the 65-inch flat-screen television bolted to the wall. Alyssa Ward, who works in Ward Melville’s attendance office, likes to spend a little time in the oversized massage chair. Speech pathologist Kathryn Fenigstein found a recent “lunch and learn” session with a nutritionist particularly helpful.

Zero-gravity chairs, soothing music, aroma diffusers, yoga, visiting nutritionists. You might ask what kind of staff room is this?

Actually, it’s not any kind of staff room. This is “WellVille,” a wellness center designed for staff in the Three Village School District. Part of the district’s wellness program, WellVille is a reconfigured classroom inside Ward Melville High School. It’s open to all staff to help them de-stress and then walk back to their classrooms feeling rejuvenated.

“WellVille not only allows us to clear our mind from our daily challenges,” explains Jimenez. “It re-charges us with positive energy that we bring back to our students. I have become a much better teacher as a result, and I see how my students have benefited as well.”

District Superintendent Cheryl Pedisich didn’t hesitate to sign off on the project.

“We acknowledge the important correlation between wellness and job effectiveness and satisfaction,” Pedisich explains. “Providing the opportunity to decompress and participate in wellness activities and workshops is not only healthy but rejuvenating. Ultimately, our students benefit from educators who are happy, supported, and devoted to their profession.”

Finding Balance without Burnout

Most teachers, at some point, will experience burnout and worry about their wellness. But, that doesn’t mean burnout needs to define how teachers cope from day to day. There are many things they can do to make sure that their burnout is short lived. Using the above methods and techniques will help any teacher focus on their wellness goals.

From eating healthier to getting a good breath of fresh air twice a day, teacher wellness is important. After all, students are our future, and teachers are the ones making the most significant impact. So, they need to stay at the top of their game. They need to find that coveted balance between work and social life. And, they need to find internal zen that will help them remain confident in their abilities to teach.

So, take that teacher wellness day, and don’t feel bad about it. You work hard and you deserve the break. And, most importantly, those around you (especially students) will thank you for focusing on you so that you can focus more on them. Be proud of your talents and career and take a step forward by focusing on your wellness today.

Get the Most Out of Attending Conferences

No matter what you hope to achieve by attending conferences, these eight steps will help you get there.

Part of maintaining a successful business is attending conferences. They give you opportunities to build connections, learn from experts in your field and promote your brand. How much you benefit from these opportunities depends on your approach. If you prepare well, spend your time wisely and apply what you learn, you will take your company to new heights. To ensure you get the most out of your conference experiences, follow these eight steps.

Three people talking while attending conferences.

1. Know Why You Are Attending Conferences

Having a goal is fundamental to maximizing your conference experience. If you know what you want to achieve, then you will know how to prioritize your time. So, unless your boss gives you a specific reason for going to a conference, come up with one. It could be to find new clients, learn about the latest technology or form a business partnership. If you have trouble coming up with a goal, think about where your company is right now and ask yourself what would make it better. Once you have the answer to that, then setting a goal for the conference will be much easier.

2. Find Out Who You Want to Meet

Now that you have a goal, create a list of people you need to talk to at the conference. By making this list ahead of time, you increase your chances of achieving your objective. Start by researching more about the speakers and presenters. Once you figure out which ones will best help you reach your goal, make plans to talk to them sometime during the conference.

Don’t just stop with the speakers. Use social media hashtags and other technology to find out who else will be at the event.

Most conferences these days have an app that allows you to connect with fellow attendees. Download the app before the conference and take a look at who else is attending. If you find someone interesting in the app, take the time to do a bit of research on them so that when you do happen to meet up in person at the event you can breeze through the icebreaker and get right down to a meaningful discussion.

3. Plan Your Conference Agenda

Business woman writing in a notebook before attending conferences.

Use the conference itinerary to plan which sessions you will attend. Any time you spend figuring out which session to go to and how to get there is time you could have spent working toward your goal. So, plan ahead of time and map out how you will get from one session to the next. Also, find out where the closest restrooms will be so you are not wandering the halls or showing up late to a session. Becoming familiar with the venue also allows you to help your fellow attendees, which is a great way to form new relationships that could benefit your business.

4. Prepare to Collect and Distribute Contact Information

Before you show up to the conference, make sure you have a way to collect people’s contact information. If you are lucky, you will have tons of business cards by the end of the event. Make sure you keep all that contact information safe so you can use it later. Bring a folder to store business cards in or put the information onto a spreadsheet. As long as you have a system in place, you will be able to follow up with the people you met at the conference.

Make it easy for people to follow up with you by having tons of business cards on hand. The cards need to be easy to read so that people have no trouble contacting you. Also, make sure to include your social media handles as well as your phone number and email address. For some people, connecting through social media is more comfortable than a direct email or phone call. So, give people different ways to contact you so that they are more likely to follow up after the conference.

5. Wear Your Name Tag when Attending Conferences

Two custom engraved name tags to wear while attending conferences.

Even though most conferences give you a name badge to wear during the event, bring the name tag you use for work. Wearing a name tag that matches your brand helps people associate you with your products or services. And, it increases brand recognition. If your company does not use name tags, talk to your boss about having one custom made. Wear it so other people can easily read it. As you wear a name tag that has your business name, logo and job title, you will see it spark people’s interest in your company, which could lead to future growth.

6. Pay Attention During Presentations and Workshops

After several hours of listening to people speak, your mind can start to feel groggy. So, do things to help you remain alert. Stay hydrated and have snacks for whenever you start to feel your energy drop. Sit close to the front so you can easily see and hear the speaker. For note-taking, don’t just write down what the speaker says. Think about how it could help your business improve and jot down your ideas. These are just some strategies to help you stay focused on the presentations. As long as you make an effort to pay attention, you will get a lot more out of the conference than if you didn’t.

7. Follow Up After the Conference

Don’t let the connections you made go to waste. Follow up with your contacts, but gently. You don’t want to come off as overbearing or desperate for a business connection.

Whether you swapped emails, social media or business cards, use what you have to start up a professional yet friendly conversation. Make it your goal to form a connection that will last. Listen to what they have to say, and don’t be aggressive in how you approach them.

8. Take What You Learned and Make Plans

You have gathered a wealth of information. Now it is time to put it to good use. First, go over your notes, especially the ideas that came to your mind during the conference. Out of everything you wrote down, what will help your business move onto the next stage of development? You may want to apply everything you learned at the conference, but what you do first will depend on where your company is at now. So, discuss what you learned with your team members and your boss before you move forward. Once you decide the best way to proceed, begin making plans. As you apply what you learned from the conference, and follow up with the people you learned from, you will receive a higher return on your investment.

Now that you know the steps to getting the most out of attending conferences, apply them to every event you attend. As you come to these events prepared to learn, make connections and promote your brand, you will see your business bloom.

Social Networking Success for Any Business

It’s so much more than having a Facebook account. It isn’t even about how active your social media accounts are. It’s all about how you connect with your customers. So, what is “it?” It, referring to social media networking, has increasing benefits that all businesses can take advantage of. If you’re not taking advantage of social networking, you’re missing out on a quick, cheap and extremely effective way to connect with nearly half of the world’s population.

Now, more than ever, people are using social networking to connect with brands.

Are you taking advantage of social media for your business? While it isn’t one size fits all, or every network is suitable for every business, you should be asking the fundamental questions: who, what, where, when and why. And, maybe not in that specific order. Sometimes the why should come first. The who is also extremely important. But, most of all, you need to answer where.

social networking is a growing trend for any business

So, where do you start?

Social networking should be a strategic part of your business marketing plan. With that being said, now you need to decide on where you will feature your business. Most businesses stick with Facebook as a foundation to get their brand off the ground. However, it is essential to remember that what works for one does not work for all. Make sure that you do some research on all of the available networks before making your decision.

Facebook may be a good place to start; after all, nearly everyone is on this network; and it is the most recognizable. Check out Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn and others to see what is right for your company. While you are looking for the best fit, here are some questions you should be asking yourself.

  • How do I want to be active on social?
  • What will I be posting?
  • How often will I be posting?
  • Which network will offer the best visibility for my business?

While you may not immediately know all of these answers, keep them in mind while looking at the different social networking sites. Instagram and Pinterest are image based, so if your company can host a lot of engaging images and product pictures, these may be the right sites for you.

Also, keep in mind the type of business you own. For example, do you own a company that works mainly as B2B? When trying to network with other companies to sell your product or service, LinkedIn might be the best place to connect with your consumers. Twitter is another great B2B site as it deals in real time and offers a great place to chat and connect with customers and other businesses quickly.

Setting Social Networking Goals

Once you make these social connections, you need to use them for making your business better. Set goals to help you achieve these connections. After all, marketing on social media can bring significant success to your company, create brand advocates and even drive leads and sales.

The key ingredient for doing social media marketing well is having a strategy. Without a strategy, you might be posting on social media platforms for the sake of posting. Without understanding what your goals are, who your target audience is, and what they want, it’ll be hard to achieve results on social media. Whether you want to grow your brand through social media or to level up as a social media marketer, developing a social media marketing strategy is essential.

From ads to regular posting, social media is different for every business.

And, it doesn’t matter if your business is large or small, what works for one may, or may not, work for another. However, there are some key elements and directions your social networks can, and should, have. Here is a quick list of things to make sure you are doing on your chosen social networks.

The problem most businesses face with social media isn’t whether or not to participate, but how to take advantage of it. Social media should be used to tell your business story and set yourself apart from all of your competition. Brand storytelling is one of the most powerful ways to differentiate yourself, connect with your customers, increase brand loyalty and sell your vision.

Without a social networking strategy, you might be posting on social just for the sake of posting. And, without understanding what your goals are, who is your target audience and what they want, it is hard to achieve positive results.

“Social media provides targeting capability, as well as reach and scale, at a lower cost than almost all other marketing channels,” said Abdul Muhammad, chief digital officer and partner at rbb Communications, said in a previous Business News Daily interview. “People are on social media all day, every day – brands must go where the people are.”

Implementing a Social Networking Strategy

Now that you have decided where you want to be, and why, you need the how. A strategy is where you’re headed; a plan is how you’ll get there. You have decided where to head to; now you need a plan. How should you fill out your social media profiles? What should your tone and voice be like? What posts type (i.e., image, link, video, etc.) should you use? Here are some things to consider.

Brand Awareness

social networking is a growing trend for any business

Your brand should be recognizable. So, think about your profile image. While a logo may be where your thinking immediately takes you, try and make something a bit more catchy. Take, for instance, our unique use of our logo. Not only does it let our customers know what our business brand is, but it also tells more of a story about our products and what we can offer to our customers.

Other elements of a business page include a cover photo or video, shared images, about us sections and other storytelling tools. These are necessary for every business while socially networking. Make sure to fill out each network’s page information sections entirely so that your customers can get the whole picture.

Remember to tell the truth. Don’t fudge or exaggerate any of your business details. If a potential client thinks that you offer a service because of your social profile, then make sure they can get that service. The same thing goes for your product. You will end up with upset customers and declining sales if you are not truthful while setting up your new social profile.

Customer Engagement

As a business, you need to figure out how you want your customers to start engaging on your social network. This will vary depending on which network you choose. So, make sure to learn all of the features your chosen social network offers. This way, you won’t be shocked when your customers start trying to communicate with you.

For example, Facebook has Messenger, which features an easy way to chat with customers and other clients who message you. LinkedIn also has a similar feature. But, when it comes to Snapchat, that changes due to the way they work with stories and other posting methods.

But, most importantly, you need to be responding to your customers. Make sure they know and understand that you are on a social site for them, not for you. Sure, it helps meet sales goals and gets your brand out into the world. But, without proper communication, you won’t retain customers or make any new connections.

Building a Business Community

From Facebook Groups to Twitter chats, tracking your social engagement is a must. There are so many tools to help you navigate using any social media network. Before choosing one, make sure to do your research. They are all similar but remember that each one has different features. While we don’t recommend one above another, we do recommend that you check them out to see what will work best for you and your business.

You can’t determine the success of your social media marketing strategies without tracking data. Finding out what works for you may be trial and error at first, but there are so many tools to help you figure it all out. Use hashtags to keep engagement up. Try different styles of images on Instagram to increase your user participation.

But, no matter what, don’t give up. Follow the analytics of each social network you use so that you can retain information on your business community. You need to know who your customers are in order to give them what they want. Make sure they understand that you know them. Set up a way to give your customers the best customer service they will ever have on any social network. Once you do this, you’re guaranteed success in social networking.

But, no matter what you do, remember that social networking is unique to your business. So, get networking on what works for you.