How to Commit to Quality Using Name Tags

From customer service to team building, every business should commit to quality using name tags.

show that you commit to quality with custom name tagsWhat does commit to quality mean?

COMMIT: to carry into action deliberately; pledge or bind (a person or an organization) to a certain course or policy.

QUALITY: the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.

Why would a company need to commit to quality?

In most cases, businesses who do not have a commitment to quality fail. Yes, a company who doesn’t maintain quality in their service or goods can succeed. However, it is far more likely for a business to succeed when they focus and commit to quality.

Author of Out of the Crisis, W. Edwards Deming wrote, “Create constancy of purpose toward improvement of product and service, with the aim to become competitive, to stay in business and to provide jobs.”

The message to learn from this statement is that no matter the service or product, consistent quality must be your primary business focus. And with that knowledge, you can make sure that your business maintains quality throughout your production and practices.

Deming also wrote, “Cease dependence on inspection to achieve quality. Eliminate the need for massive inspection by building quality into the product in the first place.”

Constancy of purpose means that quality decisions are not situational. End of month quality is the same as the beginning of the month. It means that the long term benefit of the organization is not sacrificed to hit quarterly targets. It means having your eye on the competition, whether it is in your industry or coming from elsewhere, with plans to stay ahead.

When a company commits to quality, they must do so from day one. Once a specific quality standard is set, it must be upheld at all production stages and in all departments. And, communicating this standard of quality to your customers is an absolute must. Make sure that your customers understand that when you commit to quality that it isn’t just for your company, it’s for them!

How do name tags help with committing to quality?

To commit to quality is easier than you might think. For a lot of professions, appearance is a crucial factor in this quality. So, maintaining your commitment to quality is easy with a uniform and the proper name tag. Whether you choose a daily business attire like a suit and tie or a matching polo shirt for each of your employees, don’t forget that name tag.

use name tags to establish brand consistency and commit to qualityWhether your job is in the food service industry or you are a CEO of a major corporation, showing professionalism by wearing a name tag is sure to make your job a bit easier. By attaching this simple item to your uniform or daily attire, you will stand out from all of your competitors. And, they make corporate branding a breeze by identifying employees at any business even easier.


From branding to color matching, name tags, like uniforms, help to symbolize your quality. Creating a positive influence with your brand means guaranteeing that all of the services and products of your business are consistent. Employees and customers know when that consistency is not present. So, make sure to choose name tags that reflect your brand’s commitment to quality. And once this is accomplished, showing that you commit to quality is easy.

Company name tags show you care about the quality of your brand. When employees wear name tags, they are more accountable for their actions as customers can comment on them by name. And branded name tags prove to customers that you pay attention to all details. So, when you commit to quality, it helps you gain public trust and grow your business.

Coller Industries commits to quality with every name tag!

For the past five years, Coller Industries has kept its error rate under 1%. In 2018, our overall error rate was 0.386%, which means that only 1 in about 260 orders contained an error. Considering that each product has up to 15 variables, we are proud of this accomplishment. It is thanks to our careful checking process and customer satisfaction guarantee that we can achieve this. And, because of our company procedures, each customer will walk away with a positive consumer experience and the identification products they need.

Investing in the proper tools also shows that you want to commit to quality. From name tags to lanyards and even custom ribbons, help your business branding with logos, colors and so much more!

Top 4 Business Types that Require Name Tags

No matter the end goal, the first thing any business must accomplish is to engage with clientele.

Connecting with customers should be the primary purpose for any business. While it does matter what the other business goals are, engagement is the most important goal. Without engagement, customers are sure to come and go rather than stick around. With positive interaction, customers stay put, if not for life, for a very long time.

Recently studies have shown that wearing name badges make customers more comfortable while doing business with you. Wearing a name badge will remove the barrier that instinctively lies between you and your customers. Name tags always make you more approachable. While there are several different types of environments where name tags are helpful, the following settings have found that personal identification is an absolute must.

Retail and Sales

name tags are required for many business types and situationsWe’ve all seen it, the customer who walks into a store and doesn’t get the attention they think they need, so they leave. They were looking for a service or product that store offers but didn’t feel that the business met their needs. While it may seem like a small thing, a simple way to avoid your customers feeling this way is to provide name tags for your employees. These tags immediately remove all barriers and allow customers to ask questions and express their concerns to those who care. They establish trust and keep people coming back to your store.

Healthcare and Hospitals

name tags are required for many business types and situationsUniforms and stethoscopes aid in helping to identify workers from patients and visitors when you’re in a hospital. However, name tags ease the pain of remembering your nurse’s name or actual position. The healthcare business knows that personal identification is a must when dealing with patients. They need to establish trust and wearing any identifier helps with this. Photo ID Badges are perfect for these positions. They not only present a name but also help put a real face to that name and thereby create a comfortable and healing atmosphere.

Hotels and Hospitality

name tags are required for many business types and situationsHospitality covers a large area of businesses. From restaurants to travel agencies, this business type is acutely aware of the necessity of name badges. Taking care of your customer is priority one in this business! And to help establish your brand as well as your approachability, name tags should be worn at all times. Again, it’s all about making customers feel at ease. They are, after all, trying to relax!

Journalists and Media

Another great use for a Photo ID Badge is a reporter. No one likes a busybody! So, identify your journalists quickly and give them a sense of security with a name tag. This identification presents them in a way that people can trust. And it gives them the credibility they need to get the whole scoop on the story they are covering. Typically referred to as a “press pass,” these photo ID badges can get them into places where an unidentified person can’t get.

Whether your business is to sell something to the public or to get the scoop on the latest new story, establishing a trust is the key to helping your clientele stay with your company. Approachability and comfort are important goals for all businesses. Get your name tags today to help you keep your customers happy.

Improving Business In 4 Easy Steps

Here are a few quick and easy ways to help you improve your business with ONE tool!

Being able to recognize someone instantly is a huge benefit to a business these days. It will also contribute to improving your business contacts and employee relationships. Following is a quick list of four ways to improve your overall business by introducing name tags into your daily life.

First, it gives your employee a name!

improving your business with one quick tool name tagsSometimes you might run into an old friend or acquaintance while you are out shopping or at a business function. But, most of the time, you won’t know too many people. All companies can benefit from their employees using name badges. Provide employees, volunteers or event-goers with a name tag or name badge for easy identification.

With each person displaying their name on a name tag, customers and attendees will quickly identify the people they need to ask for help. And when that happens, the employee’s confidence and comfort level increases. All in all, wearing a name tag encourages people to be more mindful of their surroundings.

Second, they provide security!

improving your business with one quick tool name tagsBy giving employees name tags, you are providing security for your office or store. And, who doesn’t want a secure business? With a simple branding logo, employees are easily identified by customers and other employees. No one will ever have to guess at who their coworkers are again.

Another great tool for security is our photo ID badges. By adding a picture, a name and a logo, the wearer is sure to get noticed; and for all the right reasons!

Third, name tags help to hold employees accountable.

improving your business with one quick tool name tagsThis simple tool, similar to a uniform, is the perfect way to remind an employee of where they are. It gives them a sense of direction and purpose. And, it makes it easy for you to follow or spot them in a crowd of customers or event attendees. It is another way to ensure your employees are representing you and your business in the exact way you need to be represented.

Fourth, help yourself in rewarding/disciplining your employees.

When issues arise at your office, store or restaurant and you find a customer needs to speak with management, it becomes easier to identify the employee that needs to be pulled aside. Whether that is for a job well done or a little bit of coaching, a name tag helps the customer know who to report if or when it becomes necessary.

Names are what it’s all about these days in business. Do your customers know your’s and your employee’s names? Help them out with a name tag today at!