Company Branding with Name Tags

Branding is one of the most important parts of any company. And it does not matter if that company is large or small. Building a strong brand helps a business or organization be financially secure. Product marketing is really where this process all begins.

What is company branding?

A brand is what makes a company or organization truly unique. The act of branding can make any company stand out from its competitors. This process lets the consumer know what to expect from that company. A company’s brand is what they are, what they want to be and what they aim to become. It is a promise of quality, trust and service.

“The Basics of Branding” -Entrepreneur

A few things to consider when building any brand:

Brand Identity: This is the representation of a company, its symbols and other identifying elements that inform a customer’s knowledge of a business or organization.

Brand Meaning: This is the character of the company beyond the image, and it includes product or business features, reliability, value and experience.

Consumer Relationship: This is the attitude the customer has about how a company is representing their brand.

Remember that a company can use its brand as the means to communicate with their chosen market. This means that a brand needs to be visually stimulating and encourage company loyalty. Carefully designed branding leads to a secure business or organization.

A company’s brand serves as a promise to the customer.

Remember that a company’s brand will require extensive research as it will be used in its marketing strategies. This applies no matter if the business offers a service or product. Consumers must understand a company’s brand message in order to increase the effectiveness and value for the business or organization.

Logos and Name Tags

To be successful in marketing a company’s brand, a strong branding or marketing strategy must be present. To determine the company’s brand, a target market and the product or service needs to be identified. By doing so, the company can communicate to their target market. And with the use of personal identification, a company’s brand will truly stand out. Name tags are an amazing way to promote company branding.

Promote your business with logo name tags.

Many of our name tags and other personalized products can have a logo added. Name tags can be laser engraved or printed with a logo and company name as well as a person’s name. Reusable name badges come with printable inserts that can easily have a company logo added. Even order custom lanyards with a company logo to promote a company at a corporate event.

Add your logo to any name tag at!

Personal Branding vs. Corporate Branding

The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines a brand as “a class of goods identified by name as the product of a single firm or manufacturer.” It is the overall perception and experience that customers associate with a particular company, product or service. They also define branding as “promoting a product or service by identifying it with a particular brand.”

what is corporate branding and what is personal branding using name tags lanyards signs name badges


Personal branding is the process of an individual marketing or advertising themselves or their career as a unique image or idea. It is the ongoing practice of building up an image or uniqueness about themselves to others around them. A personal brand often involves using someone’s name on various marketing products.

Corporate branding is the process of promoting a company’s logo and name for marketing and advertising purposes. A corporate brand’s range is typically extensive and is often used to express the company’s ideals and goals.

Examples of personal branding:
Rachel Ray, Michael Jordan, Oprah, Scott Ginsberg, Tony Robbins

Personal Branding perzonalized identification name tags rachael ray michael jordan oprah scott ginsberg tony robbins

Examples of corporate branding:
Apple; Hershey’s; NIKE;
Warner Bros.; M&M’s

Corporate Branding personalized identification logos hershey apple warner bros nike m&m mars


Branding helps a business or person show how their products or services differ from competitors. A strong brand with a clear name, logo and visuals helps consumers know and remember what that brand sells or provides. It also makes people trust them more. When someone decides what their brand stands for and why it is unique, they can make themselves stand out and affect what customers pick. A strong brand shows that this particular product or service is trustworthy, high in quality and dependable.

Name Tags and Branding

By wearing personal identification products, (e.g., name tags, name badges, etc.), anyone can make themselves more visible to others. This also opens the door to better experiences at large events. They can promote their personal brand by wearing a name tag with their name (first and last). By wearing a name tag, they identify themselves as an individual and stand out in a crowd. Most often, people see this type of marketing at large corporate meetings or conventions where it is important to distinguish individuals from each other.

Corporate branding utilizes the same items as personal branding, such as lanyards and name tags, but they often use them differently. Many companies choose to add their logo, an essential part of their brand, to the name tags. This is so that their employees are easily identifiable to their consumers. These items are then turned into a way of advertising their company rather than the individual. People often see this type of branding at conferences where many companies that manufacture or sell the same ideas or items might mingle. Businesses will use lanyards, name tags and signs to distinguish everyone attending the conference.

Whether personal or corporate, a brand is essential to anyone seeking to be differentiated from those around them.

Learn more about using your logo on The Learning Center:

Contrast Matters: Your Logo and Identification