It’s back to school time. Students know they are going back to school, and they are ready to see their friends. Parents are excited for a return to a stable schedule. School organizations are in the process of planning for back to school events, fundraising and autumn activities. Although some of us are a little more hesitant about returning to these tasks, we should all prepare for what is to come.
We understand that teachers are facing the time of back to school setup and organizing their classrooms. Parents may be shouting for joy during this time; however, one of the hardest things teachers must do is prepare their rooms for students to return. So, we are here to help teachers and other educators prepare their supplies for back to school needs.

Back to school needs are everywhere, from books to pencils, pens and note paper. Kids need all sorts of supplies to start the school year off right and prepared. While we don’t offer these items, don’t underestimate the importance of name tags and identification for your classroom.
A Teacher’s Guide to Engaging Students
You may think having students who want to be at school and learn from their teachers sounds too good to be true. But that’s what schools that focus on increasing student engagement are seeing. More than coming to class and turning in homework, engaged students are enthusiastic about their education and desire to excel in their classes. So if you want to see your students succeed, you must figure out how to engage them in the learning process.
Whether it’s for the first day of school or needing to know how to make a lesson plan, this information is for everyone in the education field. Even students can learn from these tips. From how to use identification products in the classroom to advice on setting up storage for the school year, find everything you need here.
Motivating Students and Recognizing Individual Excellence
As a leader and a teacher, you have a responsibility to make sure that your students know how much you care about their learning and retention. When you celebrate even small achievements, you are helping your students see their excellence. This recognition will help them understand what their education is all about.
Engaging with your students will help to motivate them to do their best work. Take the time to recognize individual achievements so you can manage engagement, help reduce stress and increase productivity among your students. Motivation naturally comes when everyone is involved in staying productive and on task.
Recognizing individual excellence can build an educational culture that retains the best students. However, the truth is that no one can be successful alone. You always need help somewhere along the way. Most anyone can learn a skill, but not everyone knows success is all about how you prioritize people and talents.
Teaching Tools and Personalizing Your Classroom
Learning is more effective and stimulating when using teaching tools already in front of you. It is up to teachers and other school staff to ensure every student has the tools they need to learn. When students know what tools they have available and how each works, they are more apt to pay attention and, in the long run, learn what they need to succeed.
We are here to help you know how to personalize your school and use these teaching tools. From the classroom to the counseling center, we have custom products to make your school run smoothly. Use these great teaching tools to help your teaching and instruction.
Here’s a fun idea: when giving out welcome gifts to your students, wrap them with fun ribbon rolls. Your students are guaranteed a great first impression when handed trinkets with personalized ribbons wrapped around them. And, maybe they will even behave a bit better as a way of saying thank you for your thoughtfulness.
Most teachers have so many students that it is hard to remember everyone’s names. Name tags are great helpers that make remembering names easier. And the students will love the personalization and knowing there is a specific space just for them. Using these tools can also help students get to know each other.
There are many times when these name tags will come in handy. For example, career days, Grandparents’ Day and other school events. From adhesive badges to a more permanent solution of engraved tags, when you need your students to wear their names, these teaching tools are great to have available. Student name tags are also useful for labels around the classroom. For example, you can use them on a pocket chart to identify each student or use name tags to create a display for student jobs each week on your whiteboard.
Cognitive Engagement Strategies
Motivate your students to do their best by creating learning objectives for your class. Learning objectives show your students what they can achieve if they pay attention and complete assignments. Once they understand how your class benefits them, they will take it seriously.
Part of keeping your students engaged mentally is giving them a chance to unwind. To make this easy, customize name tags with various mental breaks (e.g., sing a song or play rock, paper, scissors) and put them in a jar. Then, when it is time for a mental break, take a tag out of the jar and have your students do that activity.
Quickly identify students, staff and visitors in your school using photo ID badges and colorful lanyards. These tools help with identification, security, classroom aids and extracurricular events.
Photos, along with names, titles and logos, are presented on these badges in a way that provides extra security at your school. With these elements, you can quickly identify those who belong wandering the halls. So, provide photo ID badges for teachers and school staff to ensure the proper people enter and exit your building.
Whether hundreds or thousands, it doesn’t matter how many kids come back to your school this year; security is always an issue. Yes, there are name tags and photo ID badges for the teachers. But how do the children keep their things safe and secure?
Lanyards are a convenient way of displaying identification and other things while at school. And these lanyards don’t have to be boring. Choose from a variety of colors to match your school and mascot.
Help your students stand out from the rest with bright colors, logos and messages custom imprinted on these lanyards. These lanyards are also perfect for fundraising events, sporting meets and any other time your school gets together.
Learn even more about incorporating Custom Lanyards into your teaching tools.
Badge ribbons are always fun to collect, especially when your favorite teacher gives you one as achievement recognition. Many students enjoy decorating their desks with these fun ribbons. Or they use them as bookmarks. No matter how students collect each ribbon, they will always take them home to display these awards proudly for all to see.
These ribbons are so incredibly versatile that they are also great for labeling things in the classroom. Customize each ribbon with memorable quotes or other text as well as graphics to match the uniqueness of your needs. You can also choose from many different colors (both ribbons and imprinting).
So, help each person at your school see just how important they are with these incredible ribbons. Whether for a new teacher in your school or a way to identify different grades, badge ribbons are the best solution ever. With double-sided tape ready to stick to anything (like a name tag), these ribbons are super easy to use.
Use these wonderfully versatile ribbons in just about any school setting you can think up. Custom (and stock) ribbons are essential in your classroom and available for your students. Choose from an abundance of ribbon selections to meet most any need you might face in the classroom.
Extra Teaching Tools
Now and then, teachers need a little help and guidance to help enrich their teaching styles and the education of their students. These articles will feature helpful hints and tidbits on how to run a classroom and so much more. So, if you’re struggling to get things done and help your students or just want to add to your teaching toolbox, these education tools are for you!