Brand identity is a core part of your organization’s marketing. This includes what you do, how you market yourself and how consumers perceive you and your brand. Brand identity works to build awareness, loyalty and desire. It helps shape your target audience’s perception. Does this sound like marketing buzzwords that are just hype? They’re not. Brand identity has been proven to make a difference in sales and customer retention.

Your Target Audience
When you think about your favorite brands, you probably don’t think about their customers. But that’s who the target audience is: those who buy from you and use your product.
And if there’s one thing that’s true about branding, it matters more than ever. In this age of social media and mobile devices, your customers are easily distracted—they can switch games or apps in seconds. They’ll go somewhere else if they’re not getting what they want from you. So businesses must develop a strong brand identity so customers know what to expect when they come to your product or service.
One way of doing this is by defining your target audience. Who are your customers? Why do they buy from you? What do they like about the product or service? Then, how can you ensure everything stays well presented so those customers keep returning?
By answering these questions and working with an expert on how best to craft a compelling brand identity strategy, businesses will be able to create a clear picture of who their customers are, what they want out of their experience with your business (and vice versa) and how best to deliver on those expectations to keep them coming back again.
Your Purpose and Values
A brand’s purpose is the reason it exists. It motivates the company and its employees to do what they do. For example, suppose a brand has a clear, compelling purpose that inspires its customers and those who work for it. In that case, the company will be able to build a reliable reputation for quality and integrity.
The best way to ensure that your brand remains consistent in its messaging is to establish what exactly you’re trying to accomplish with your business. What does your company stand for? What kind of value do you want your products and services to offer? And, what do you want people who buy from you or work for you to feel when they use your product or service?
Once you have a clear idea of what your brand stands for, it’s time to define its purpose and the specific ways you will accomplish it. This includes determining what value your company wants to offer and how you plan to deliver it. You should also think about how your brand can become more than just a business but an integral part of the lives of those who use it. If you’re selling something that people will use daily, ask yourself: How can I make my product or service improve the quality of their lives? What do I want them to feel like when they use this item? What kind of emotions do we want people to associate with our brand?
Visual Elements
The visual elements of your brand identity are a vital part of what makes your company unique.
Visual elements include:
• Your logo is an essential part of your company’s identity and should be something that customers and other stakeholders can easily remember.
- The colors you use in your marketing materials. These should help reinforce the brand’s tone and message but also help it stand out from other brands in its industry.
- The fonts used in marketing materials should be easy to read and reinforce the text’s tone.
- Graphics that accompany text or images on your website, social media channels, etc., including icons or illustrations that convey a particular meaning or message related to your business.
A strong brand identity is an essential element of success for any small business. It defines a company’s personality and customer perception, leading to greater odds of customer loyalty, brand recognition and a sense of trust between the company and its customer base. This can lead to better customer retention and increased revenues. Moreover, having a strong brand identity will help any small business achieve more significant growth and long term viability, offering the best chance to succeed in a highly competitive market environment.
Bring your organization’s logo to life with name tags, name plates and lanyards.