Your Business & Identification

For many industries, name tags are an essential part of business. While some companies require uniforms, others may not need anything so formal. Name tags are a way to get employees at any business looking similar. They quickly identify employees, volunteers and even products and services rendered.

No matter what type of business you run, name tags are beneficial. The nature of your business doesn’t matter; your customers should be your priority. After all, a happy customer is your greatest asset as a business. So, no matter what you do, you should be working on customer engagement.

Name tags, name badges, badge holders, custom ribbons, signs and name plates all designed for different businesses and industries.

Many studies have shown that having employees wear name tags makes your customers more comfortable. When they are comfortable, customers stay at your business longer. So, wearing name tags helps to break down any barriers between your company and potential customers. Name tags make you approachable.

Benefits of name tags for your business:

  • Build customer relations
  • Increased business branding
  • Improve company security
  • Help employees and customers feel more comfortable

So, who needs name tags? Everyone in any industry! Enhance your communication and let customers know your employees’ names quickly. That is why name tags are so important. Whether you are a professional, a business, an educator, a meeting planner or anyone else, name tags are for you.

4 Important Reasons for Wearing Name Tags

Wearing identification helps build a corporate identity. Name tags also help employees and customers interact better with each other. In every business, there are significant benefits to wearing name tags. These benefits include using identification for marketing, providing security, identifying employees and other staff and many other needs. Here are some of our favorite reasons why you need to utilize name tags for your business.

Name Tag Products

Classic and Logo Name Tags from Name Tag, Inc. that provide examples of identification for different industries.

Name Tags help customers identify employees and are an important part of turning a simple hello into a sale.

Different reusable name badges that can be used in different business types.

Reusable Badges provide employee identification when you have high turnover rates and temporary positions.

Three badge holder examples with printable inserts for events and different industry needs.

Badge Holders are event staples frequently used during conferences, in meetings and for visitor passes.

Other Identification Needs

Name plate options for walls and desks in different businesses.

Name Plates are a great alternative to use in offices on desks, walls or cubicles, creating a professional look.

Lanyards, both custom and stock badge types, that are useful for different industries.

Lanyards are used in a wide range of activities and situations, from offices to schools and concerts to conventions.

Custom and stock office signs for different businesses.

Signs are available to meet the needs of any company, from wall and door signs to signs for directions or warnings.

Award and recognition plaques for employees and events for your business.

Award Plaques motivate, recognize achievement, celebrate service, commemorate events or locations and so much more.

Personalized Ribbons

Ribbon rolls with custom text and logos for product packaging and events uses for your business.

Ribbon Rolls make every event you have better with personalized messaging that helps with meetings and private parties.

Badge ribbons for different industry uses.

Badge Ribbons are used during events as identifiers, as well as to promote sales and communicate with customers.

Custom top ribbons for sales and promotions for your business.

Custom Top Ribbons are the perfect way to show sales information for your business as well as events you hold.

Rosette ribbons for events and different industries.

Rosette Ribbons recognize anyone for a job well done in the office and during fairs, festivals and other events.

Finding the Perfect Name Tag for Your Business

Whether a reusable tag like a Mighty Badge or something more permanent like a name tag with a UV Color Logo enhanced with all the upgrades, each profession deserves suitable identification. We want to make it easy for you to find your name tag. Follow this table to find a name tag that is best suited to your business.

Learn even more ways to find what you need: