Donations are one way that makes us more responsible in our community. And, building trust in our community is not only a requirement but also the best way to maintain that community. Even when the need is small, like lanyards for a reading competition at an elementary, giving is all about the people you are helping.
Understanding our community needs teaches that no matter the setting, there are things to keep a constant focus on. And, while investing in the community by donating our products is one of our best forms of marketing, what we care about is the people.
Grant Elementary’s Battle of the Books Competition
Katrina Shewell, Grant Elementary Librarian, explains the program, “Our program is a reading incentive program that helps kids jump into reading in a fun, team-oriented, competitive way. There were 10 groups of five to six kids. Each team had to read 30 books before the competition which they usually divide up among themselves, only needing to read five books a piece.”
Blank Flat Badge Lanyards
Lanyards are popular because of their ability to keep essential items like a name badge or pen close at hand. They are used in a broad range of activities from the workplace and schools to concerts and trade shows. Inexpensive badge lanyards come in a variety of materials, styles
“We truly appreciate your donation for our Battle of the Books competition held on February 22,” said Shewell. “The kids do not have to pay to enter this reading incentive program, so we rely heavily on donations. I’ve attached pictures to show the kids wearing their lanyards, and you may even see their small buttons representing the books they read.”
Each child received a lanyard that they added buttons to every time they read a book.
“As each child read a book, they were given a button to put on their lanyard,” said Shewell. “It was a great incentive to read above the five books assigned. Most kids read over 10 books each and about 15 kids read 20-30 books!”
“It was a great incentive to see kids in other groups wearing their lanyards with lots of buttons on them, making them want to add more books and buttons to their lanyards, too. The competition is in its second year, but this was the first year adding lanyards, and the kids loved having something they could show their accomplishments on.”

Donations Help Raise Community Understanding
From lanyards to name tags, no matter what the donation is, the focus is always who it helps. And this time, at the request of a wonderful librarian, we were able to help out a school with their reading program. Our community and our surroundings are what makes us who we are. So, by giving back into this system, we are making it better for everyone around. Besides, reading is cool!