The Rules of Adhesive Name Tags at Conferences

name tags-adhesive name tags

For conferences, meetings and events, adhesive name tags are a must have. Not only do you eliminate the chance of misspelling attendees’ names (they will just write them), but they’re also inexpensive.

But even so, there’s proper etiquette for adhesive name tags in these situations. As an event or conference host, it’s your responsibility to make sure your attendees are wearing their name tags appropriately!

  • Dictate where you want your attendees to wear their name tag. When you hand the name tags to your attendees so they can write their names, simply say, “Please wear your name tag on the upper right side of your shirt,” or wherever you think is best. This creates uniformity at the event, and people won’t have to scan an entire person’s body to find their name tag.
  • Ask your attendees to write their name big (but not too big). Nothing is worse than awkward squinting in order to read a name!
  • Use black markers. Skip bold and vibrant colors, and make it simple with black ink. Make sure the tip of the marker isn’t too thick to ensure cleanliness. Black may seem boring, but at the end of the day it makes the name tags easy to read and professional looking.
  • If you see someone whose name tag has been crinkled or ripped throughout the day, replace it. Keep them fresh and clean, even if it means having to order extras!
  • Don’t let people bring their own name tags. For the sake of uniformity, it’s not proper etiquette for event attendees to wear name tags they brought from home. At conferences and events, name tags often serve as a equalizer for all the attendees, so letting someone be flashy might throw off the vibe of the entire day.