Personal Identification Reinvented

Name tags and other identification products are in our lives to stay, no matter what we think of them.

reinventing the name tag and other personal identification Most professions these days make you wear or use a personal identification product. From name tags to name plates and even lanyards and ribbons, these items are becoming more and more popular in the workplace. And with that popularity comes the opposition of using these standard tools.

So, how can you, as an employer, make them a bit more bearable for those that you require to use them? Let’s take a moment and reinvent this usage.

First and foremost, a definition needs to be provided for why you are using personal identification products.

What is your primary purpose for using these tools? Are you looking to provide company branding or making your employees more visible to your customers? There are several different ways to use identification. Office security, quick acknowledgment of employees, and office/desk labels are among the top reasons.

A couple lesser known, albeit not lower in value, reasons are for identifying an individual for a job well done or to make it easier to remember someone’s name and their face simultaneously. But, no matter what the goal of this personal identification, there is always a way to make it better.

The second step in reinventing this tool is to make it appeal to those who have to wear it.

adding logos to reinvent personal identification and name tagsMake it flashy, but not so flashy that it’s an embarrassment to put on a name tag. Add a logo and some fun colors to make a name tag pop. Or add a title to a name plate to make someone feel a bit more important in your office.

Remembering the primary reason for personal identification will aid in making this second step easier. Once you put the required information onto a name tag, don’t forget the flair. Make it unique to your company or exclusive to the person wearing it. But keep them in mind when considering your design techniques.

The final step is involvement.

Keep your employees in the loop as to why they are being required to wear or use personal identification. While “it is part of your uniform” is a good reason, it isn’t the only reason. Make sure to communicate the importance of what that name tag means. Keep them informed, and they will be happier to continue to wear their name tags!

So, name tags, they are here to stay, and it’s your job to help others to see why they are so important!

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